

UEA Cricket Club is a men's and women's club open to all abilities from beginner to elite. Our indoor coaching and practise sessions will run for the majority of first semester on Thursday afternoons and Sunday evenings ran by coach Sam Arthurton and Daniel Hughes. We aim to create a fun, enjoyable cricketing environment for all, but also enjoy the competitive side. 

During the first two semesters, we run two indoor men teams and one indoor womens teams competing in BUCS. During the summer semester, we run a two mens teams which compete in BUCS and derby day and have the scope to set up an outdoor womens team and to also arrange ocasional friendly matches.

UEA CC is a very sociable club, with social events running approximately every week during the winter and summer. Socials include events such as Clubbing, bowling, formal dinners and drinks. Dilan and Oscar will be focusing on making socials as inclusive as possible and is a great way to make more friends at University.

Taster sessions in First and Second semester will be available to come and see what its like, please check the Instagram and Facebook pages for more details.

We are an active club, socially and with training and we hope you can join us!


President – Andrew Richmond 

Vice-President – Jamie Coath

Treasurer – Sam Gale 

Health and Safety Officer – Christian Jenner

Equality & Diversity Officer – George Hooper

Union Council Rep – Christian Jenner

Social Secretary – Dilan Sheemar + Oscar Torrado 

Publicity Officer – George Hooper 

Men's 1st Team Captain - Dan Hughes 

Women's 1st Team Captain - Poppy Sidhu 

Men's 2nd Team Captain - Harry Thomas + Jamie Coath




Additional Cost of Sport Ranges

The additional cost of sport project, which was created by the Students’ Union, alongside uea+sport, is designed to give prospective members information on the range of costs they may face in joining their chosen sport.

This range should be taken as guidance. For compulsory costs, this price includes uea+sport membership which is £55, and you only need to pay once to join all of our clubs.

When considering additional costs, some clubs may have none and others may have further costs. This is often dependent on the level of competitiveness for the sport you get involved in, and so recreational or socially playing may be cheaper. You may also have equipment which can be used between multiple sports, for example shoes or gum shields.

For any questions, please ask the sport club for specific further information, or for further information on the project.

Many thanks,

Luke Johnson

Your Activities & Opportunities Officer 23/24