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Officer Updates

Officer Updates

Your student officers make a commitment to the student body in their manifestos, which they follow up on once elected. Alongside their busy meeting schedules and bustling social media presence, they also respond to key national and global issues and keep you up to date with all the SU is doing.

Between blogs, statements, open letters and ongoing projects, you'll find links to all their work here.

What's on?

We're currently working on...

Inclusive Language Questionnaire

Inclusive Language Questionnaire Find out more

Open Letter to University Council

Open Letter to University Council Find out more

Officer Blogs

Everyone loves a personal touch - the officer blogs are where your officer team keep you updated with their day-to-day goings on and developments.

Activities and Opportunities Blog

Luke Johnson Find out more

Campaigns and Democracy Blog

Serene Shibli-Sexton Find out more

Welfare, Community and Diversity Blog

Nathan Wyatt Find out more

Undergraduate Education Blog

Taylor Sounes Find out more

Postgraduate Education Blog

Elise Page Find out more

Part-Time Blog

Part-Time Officers Find out more

Officer Statements

From local to national to global issues, the officer team make sure that your voices are represented and hold responsible entities to account.

Officer Open Letters

As part of our commitment to hold people to account, the officer team often undertake "activism" whilst working to encourage and enable you to do the same. Below, you'll find some of the letter templates designed to enable you to reach out and make your voice heard.

Ongoing Projects

Making positive change for our student body and championing their points of view is a full-time job! We fully welcome student feedback, suggestions and involvement in any campaign we might be working on.