


Please log in to join this organisation.

We are a group of enthusiastic students dedicated to creating a positive impact on the environment. Whether you're a sustainability expert or just starting to explore the topic, everyone is welcome to join us. Our goal is to establish a welcoming community where we can exchange sustainable ideas and actively engage in meaningful environmental initiatives in partnership with other student organizations.

Our primary focus centers on maintaining an allotment located on campus. We meet every Wednesday from 1pm to 3pm to tend to the allotment, which includes tasks like weeding, watering, and harvesting.

For more insights into our activities and initiatives, you can follow us on Instagram @UEASustainabilitySoc

Our Committee for 2023/24:

President - Erin Roberts (she/her)

Vice President - Thomas Steele (he/him)

Treasurer - Louisa Moor (she/her)

Union Council Rep - James Warren (he/him)

Welfare Officer - Amy Watson (she/her)

Health & Safety Officer - Maeve Rees (she/her)