
Paramedic Society


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The world of Paramedicine is brilliant but tough and this society allows us to work together, make friends and enjoy every moment. We want to create an inclusive, supportive environment that helps you to develop into the best clinician you could possibly be whilst also enjoying every minute of it!

ParaSoc is back and bigger than ever! 

This year, we are committed to providing the best support to you! Whether you're a student studying Paramedic Science or simply interesting in prehospital care and gaining some first aid/basic life support experience to help you in you're everyday life.

We are aiming this year to provide even more opportunities and events including: 

-  Student study support (drop-in) sessions - for paramedic science students seeking advice and support in areas that are a challenge.

-  Regular social events - interaction with different like-minded people and having essential down-time away from study (BBQ's, Pub Quizes, Sports events). 

- An informal environment to bridge the gap between cohorts and build personal and professional relationships with potential future colleges. 

Mission Statement

To provide opportunities for Continual Professional Development, social events, and collaborative events primarily aimed at Paramedic Students (but also inclusive of all HSC students or interested parties). To consistently integrate all 3 cohorts of the BSc and Dip HE Paramedic Science Programme.

To coordinate the above through regular committee meetings, member involvement, and devolvement into sub-committees where appropriate.



President - Isabelle Newson 

Vice-President -  Lucie Grundy

Treasurer - Gemma Wiltshire 

Welfare officer - Gemma Wilshire 

Health and Saftey Officer - Tom Mann 

Social Secretary - Cerys Marlin & Maria Gamble 

Union Council Rep - 

Social Media Secretary - 

Equality and Diversity Officer - Irfan Hanan 

Sports Representative - Irfan Hanan



Upcoming Events

October 14th 2023  - Generations social 
Wednesday welfare walk - Date to be decided (End of October)
November bonfire night - Date to be decided 
Christmas pub quiz - Date to be decided 
Jumpers and t-shirts