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Natural Sciences Society

Providing a sense of community for UEA's Natural Science students.


The society for anyone on or interested in the Natural Sciences Degree course at UEA! 

We run socials and events for you and your friends throughout the year including the end-of-year ball.

We also have a WhatsApp group chat for organising socials and general chatter. Please message a member of the committee when you join for an invite!

As a UEA Natsci member, you can apply for the official Society for Natural Sciences membership totally free (usually £5)! 

Society Hoodies can also be purchased from Birds of Dereham website


* Natural Sciences committee 2023/2024 *


President: Dimitrii Hird-Lewis (
Vice-President: Emma Smith (
Treasurer: Shane May (
Health & Safety Officer: Rachel Brown (
Social Secretary and Welfare Officer: Trinity Meadez (
Publicity Officer: Caitlin Bennett (
Equality and Diversity Officer: Parima Shah (
Union Council Rep:  Ann Johansen (
First Year Rep:  Tamsin Jones (