


Please log in to join this organisation.


Welcome to UEA Motorsport Society! We aim to provide a fun and inclusive environment for everyone to share their passion for motorsport (especially F1!), whether you're a seasoned fan or you can't tell your DRS from your ERS! Follow us on Instagram (@ueamotosoc) for updates and event information throughout the year!


We are planning to hold lots of events and socials throughout the year, including...

  • Formula 1 race screenings
  • Quiz nights
  • Themed socials
  • Local track events
  • Car show trips



Instagram: @ueamotosoc


Twitter (X): @ueamotosoc




President - Aj Hobbs

Treasurer - Sophie Denning 

Vice President - Cerys Wilks

Equality & Diversity Officer - Sophie Denning 

Welfare Officer - Beth Warren

Health & Safety Officer - Beth Warren

Events & Socials Officer - Orla Douglass

Publicity Officer - Robin Denyer