About us:
We organise events and campaigns around the environment and sustainability, politics, and the Green Party.
Our actions are based on national and local Green policies but you don't have to be a member of the Green Party or even interested in politics to join and have a great time. We meet as often as possible and try to create a fun, positive and motivational atmosphere in a direct challenge to the current national political climate that is pushing young people out of politics. Make friends and help stand up for what matters.
Membership is £3 annually and goes towards transport to and the hosting of events.
Join us to stay updated on everything we do:
Instagram: @ueayounggreens
Facebook: @ueayounggreens
Email: ueayounggreens@gmail.com
Committee 2023/2024:
President - Naa Yarley Yartey
Vice-president - Linda Vu
Treasurer - Zac Steventon-Barnes
First Year Representative - Kyla Oakley
We are planning a range of exciting events, keep your eyes peeled for dates and times
We would be delighted to engage in collaborations with other student societies, especially on the themes sustainability, politics, and international humanitarian issues. Please reach out to us via our Instragram or our e-mail.