We cover a wide range of topics from anatomy and physiology of the eye to clinical ophthalmology for medical and science students.
We have lots of events throughout the year:
Ophthalmology revision sessions - OSCEs and written exams
Mock OSCEs for each rotation
Talks from ophthalmology specialists
Preparation for the RCOphth Duke Elder examinations
Charity events
Tips for your portfolio
Advice and career support for students who want to find out more ophthalmology
Information on upcoming events will be advertised on our Instagram, Facebook page and through e-mails - keep an eye out!
Instagram: ueaeyesoc
Facebook page: UEA EyeSoc
Email: eyesoc.uea@outlook.com
Deng - President
Kevin Ligon- Vice President
Peter Awad- Treasurer
Aref Shafiei- Health and Safety Officer
Zain Jafri- Publicity Officer
Ryan Rodgerson - Union Council Rep