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The Psychology Society is officially back! 

We welcome both Psychology and non-Psychology students in our society, anyone with a passion is welcome! We are inviting both internal and external speakers and professionals to deliver talks outside of the curriculum and to share our passion and knowledge of Psychology. Some of our topics include


- Research from the Psychology lecturers 

- Workshops and talks based around counselling and talking therapies

- Popular Psychology topics

- Talks from a range of services offering career opportunities in the Psychology field

- Addiction and recovery


This society offers a community for everyone getting through their degree, we will include study sessions, coffee mornings with lecturers, sober and non-sober socials and of course, our Winter and Summer Ball! Alongside this, we will be collaborating with other societies such as Headucate and many others to ensure you are entertained in the world of Psychology.

We will also be fundraising throughout the year so keep an eye on our socials for our events!

If you want to help fundraise for Endometriosis Month, follow the link below. All donations are much appreciated! 


Here are your committee members for the year 2024-2025; 

President Charlotte Preston

Vice-President Abbie Lee Miller

Treasurer Charlotte Lloyd

Health & Safety Officer Zoe Galgavolgyi

Events and Socials Officer Alicia Khuttan

Union Council Rep Zoe Galgavolgyi 

Fundraising Officer Libby Mace

Equality & Diversity Officer Robin Halpin

Welfare Officer Frances Ellen-Palmer


Follow us on social media for updates about events, talks and plans in the making: 

Instagram- psychsocuea