
Armed Forces


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Who we are

The Armed Forces Society is where students interested in the British Armed Forces and other militaries can meet like-minded enthusiasts and experience valuable insights into military life.


What we do

As a society, we provide information on the British Armed Forces, as well as guidance on how to join them. As a part of this, we enjoy access to various external speakers, many of whom are or were serving members of the military.

Throughout the year we offer various classes teaching invaluable skills for anyone wanting to join the Armed Forces or simply wanting to increase their employability. Leadership, communication, and people management are all examples of the vital skills that we will help you to improve. As well as these classes, we run numerous socials, so our members can relax and meet each other.


University Reserve Units

Many of our members are also involved in the local University Reserves. We provide information on these organisations and will advise on the joining process.
There are currently three Reserve units that recruit from UEA: the Cambridge University Royal Naval Unit (CURNU), the Cambridge University Officer Training Corp (CUOTC), and the Cambridge University Air Squadron (CUAS).

Please note: Membership in the Armed Forces Society does not confer nor require membership of any University Reserve Units or any other external organisation.


Upcoming events


2023-2024 Committee:

President: James Parks

Secretary: Sam Calenti

Treasurer: TBC

Health and Safety Officer: Oliver Drewery

Equality and Diversity Officer: TBC

Union Council Representative: James Parks

First-Year Representative: Nick Ellison 

Royal Navy Representative: Seb Manago

Army Representative: TBC

Royal Air Force Representative: TBC

Social Secretary: TBC