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Associate Membership Application - UEA Staff, Alumni and Other

By selecting this application form, I acknowledge and declare that I am*:

  • a student at a Higher Education Institute other than UEA*, OR
  • a UEA Graduate, OR
  • a member of UEA Staff

*You will be able to declare your specific institution when filling in the application form.

Please note that you will be required to pay a fee of £50 for your associate membership. This fee is a separate and additional fee to student group membership fee charges.

Application process

Follow the steps below to begin your application.


Step one: read the policy

Please read our associate membership policy for more information and regulations relating to what an associate membership is, the application process and why it is necessary to go through this process.


Step two: read uea sport's matrix

Please read UEA Sport's Matrix for insight into associate membership participation with sport at UEA.


Step three: Purchase your associate membership

This can be done on the Memberships page or using the below tool. Be sure to note your reference number for completing the application form.

Associate Membership

Ref: M10010720

Add to Basket

Price: £50.00
Associate Membership Society

Step four: complete the application form


Step five: await approval

After you've submitted your application, our Communities team will receive a notification and review this; we aim to get back to you as soon as possible, but advise allowing up to five business days. If you have a query about the status of your application, you can contact us by email here.

Any further questions?

If you have any questions that aren't answered on either this page or the Membership homepage, or if you would like further clarification, you can contact us via email at any time.

We are also available in the uea(su) offices, upstairs in The Hive on campus, during usual business times (9AM to 5PM, Monday to Friday).