We are a passionate society where 'Every Day is Dance Day!'
We hold weekly classes in Hip Hop, Contemporary, Jazz, and Commercial.
We have SHOW SQUADS for everyone of all abilities and COMPETITION SQUADS for those who have successfully made it into the competition team of their chosen discipline. In either squad, Dance Squad is a really fun, social club to be a part of. Our 'Competition Squads' for Contemporary, Jazz, Hip Hop, Commercial and Lyrical, compete at national university competitions across the country and compete on Derby Day. This year we will also be hosting our very own dance competition held in no other than the iconic venue, The Nick Ryans LCR! Our 'Show Squads' work on dance technique, learn versatile routines and have the opportunity to perform in dance showcases and the UEA Dance Show each year. We are a hugely passionate society and we welcome everyone to come along to our classes. We cater for everyone's ability, no matter if you are advanced or are dancing for the first time! We encourage everyone to try out as many disciplines as possible! We are by far one of the largest and most welcoming clubs that UEA has to offer, in the 2023-24 acedemic year Dance Squad was home to 170+ members!
Your Choreographers for 2024/25 are:
Weekly Class Teachers (Show Squad):
- Hip Hop: Kelsey Connor + Arabella Yeowart (Wed 6:00pm-7:00pm) (Congregation Hall 01.20)
- Commercial: Delasi Wormenor + Molly Goldsworthy (Wed 7:00pm-8:00pm) (Congregation hall 01.20)
- Jazz: Susie Bryant (Fri 8:30pm-9:25pm) (Kiff Matheson Suite - Sportspark)
- Contemporary: Isabella Brady (Fri 9:25pm-10:20pm) (Kiff Matheson Suite - Sportspark)
Competition Teams:
- Hip-Hop: Deima Daujotaite + Mariam Ben-Ammor (Tuesday)
- Commerical: Deborah Olusanya + Riya Sharma (Wednesday)
- Jazz: Celia Thompson (Sunday)
- Contemporary: Melissa Aylott + Asta Kirkham (Saturday)
- Lyrical: Georgia Maya Patel (Saturday)
If you have any questions about any of classes, competitions etc, please feel free to speak to any of our committee or DM @ueadancesquad on Instagram.
Your Dance Squad Committee 2024/25 are:
- President - Charlie Richardson
- Vice President - Melissa Aylott
- Treasurer - Kelsey Connor
- Competition Representative - Lydia Kelley
- Publicity Officers - Isabella Brady & Gracie Regan
- Show Squad Organiser - Bracken Fieldsend
- Social Secretaries - Susie Bryant & Amil Charles
- Health and Safety Officer - Maya Patel
- Well-being Officer - Deima Daujotaite
- Sustainability Officer - Asta Kirkham
- Equality and Diversity Officer - Riya Sharma
- Union Council Rep - Gaia Cousin
- First Year Rep - Ellie Appleton
If you have any questions feel free to drop any of us a message. We are very excited to meet all of the new members and we hope to see you in class!
Please let us know if you have any access requirements and we will try our best to accommodate.
- TikTok: @ueadancesquad
- Instagram: @ueadancesquad
- YouTube: search UEA Dance Squad
- Email: uea.dancesquad@uea.ac.uk
UEA Dance Squads Code of Practice, this document is used to codfy the effeicent and safer management of UEA Dance Squad, holding the club accountable for all club activities and ensuring club practices are operating to the highest and safest level. Dance Squad Code of practice 2024-25.docx
UEA Dance Squad Risk Asessments 2024-2025: Risk Assessment 2024-2025 Dance Squad.docx
The Real Cost of Sport
The 'Real Cost of Sport' initiative, a project reviewed and rebranded by the Students' Union in partnership with uea+sport, aims to provide prospective members with a comprehensive overview of the potential costs of joining their chosen sports club. This year, I have worked closely with the clubs to ensure these tables are as accurate and up-to-date as possible.

This guide is intended to serve as a general reference. The compulsory cost includes the uea+sport membership fee of £55, which is a one-time payment that covers membership across all clubs.
When considering additional expenses, it is important to note that some clubs may not have any extra costs, while others might incur additional fees. These costs often depend on the level of competitiveness within the sport; recreational or social participation is generally less expensive. Additionally, some equipment, such as shoes or gum shields, may be used across multiple sports, potentially reducing overall expenses.
For any specific questions or further information about a particular club, please contact the club directly or contact us at union.opportunities@uea.ac.uk for more details about the project.
All the best,
Olivia Hunt
Your Activities & Opportunities Officer 24/25