
Cheerleading Stunt


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Welcome to the Official UEA Angels Cheerleading Stunt Club!

About Us

Whether you have cheered before or not, becoming a UEA Angel is an experience you’ll never forget. Cheerleading is the perfect team sport, with a chance to have your moment to shine both individually and as a team. There are four main areas we focus on: stunting, tumbling, jumping and dance - if you're not sure what this means, then take a look at our Instagram @UEACheerleading

Cheer Stunt is super fun, very sociable and a highly motivating friendly club. You’re not just joining a sports team but an Angel family and we cannot wait to welcome you. Cheerleading is a fantastic way to challenge yourself, do something exciting, be active and make loads of amazing friends for life! 

NO EXPERIENCE is required, as we have teams for all abilities and the majority of our members have never cheered before university. We have both competitive and social teams. For those looking to join our competitive cheerleading teams we offer level 1, 2 non-tumble & 2. This year our competitive teams will be given the opportunity to perform around the UK. All teams will also get a chance to perform at our showcases where friends and family will be welcome to come and watch.

As well as competiting at National Competitions. Teams can also perform in showcases and represent UEA at our annual Derby Day against Essex University. Whilst we love receiving trophies and earning titles as a club, we also offer a non-competitive team for those who prefer a less formal approach and relaxed training. In addition to this, we have a close relationship with the UEA American Football team, and are invited to watch their games during their competitive season as well as joint socials.

We organise socials most weeks for our members to get to know each other outside of training, and pride ourselves on being open, friendly, and welcoming to all. We also have a zero-tolerance policy regarding abuse and hate towards any student or staff member; we are all here to help you and make sure you have a good time, so please don't hesitate to message committee, coaches or captains with any concerns. 

If you'd like to learn more about becoming a UEA Angel, take a look at out currently active social media accounts, which can be found here:

Instagram: @UEACheerleading

TikTok: @UEACheerleading

Offical Facebook Group: UEA Angels Cheer Stunt 24/25



Competition Uniform



2024/25 COMMITTEE 

President: Molly Simpson
Vice President: Kayla Ash    
Treasurer: Jessie Harald
Social Secretaries: Isabella Brady, Amy Hobern & Millie Anderson
Publicity Secretaries: Issy Thompson & Grace Fisher
Health & Safety Officer: Molly McCarthy
Wellbeing, Equality & Diversity Officer: Emily Grace
Competition & Kit Officer: Chelsea Drake
First Year Rep: Eliza Temple

2024/2025 COACHES

Cosmic (Level 2): Tilly Podger & Sophie Dingle
Wings (Level 2 Non-Tumble): Annie Lyle & Drew Watts
Aura (Level 1): Ciara Leamy & Molly Newby
Saints (Social Team): Grace Fisher, Annabelle Fry & Katie Pryke
Tumble Coaches: Immy Dorili, Caitlin Turner & Amanda Stapley

2024/2025 TIMETABLE

Semester 2:

Monday: 7:10AM - 8:40AM - Cosmic Level 2

Monday: 8:00PM - 10:20PM - Wings Level 2 Non-Tumble

Tuesday: 8:00PM - 10:20PM - Cosmic Level 2

Wednesday: 7:10AM - 8:40AM - Aura Level 1

Wednesday: 8:30PM - 9:30PM - Tumble Session

Friday: 7:10AM - 8:40AM - Wings Level 2 Non-Tumble

Sunday: 7:00PM - 8:20PM - Saints Social & Development

Sunday: 8:20PM - 10:20PM - Aura Level 1


 Please can all members read through our code of conduct, by purchasing a membership you are agreeing to adhere to our code of conduct 

Code of Conduct 24-25.docx

UEA Sport Leisurewear


Leisurewear for this year is now ready to buy through the Birds of Dereham website here:

Samples are available to try in the UEA Sports office (just inside the sports park before going through the barrier). 


We really hope you're interesting in joining our amazing club - please do not hesitate to message any questions to our committee and coaches via Facebook or Instagram. We hope to see you soon!


The Real Cost of Sport

The 'Real Cost of Sport' initiative, a project reviewed and rebranded by the Students' Union in partnership with uea+sport, aims to provide prospective members with a comprehensive overview of the potential costs of joining their chosen sports club. This year, I have worked closely with the clubs to ensure these tables are as accurate and up-to-date as possible.

This guide is intended to serve as a general reference. The compulsory cost includes the uea+sport membership fee of £55, which is a one-time payment that covers membership across all clubs.

When considering additional expenses, it is important to note that some clubs may not have any extra costs, while others might incur additional fees. These costs often depend on the level of competitiveness within the sport; recreational or social participation is generally less expensive. Additionally, some equipment, such as shoes or gum shields, may be used across multiple sports, potentially reducing overall expenses.

For any specific questions or further information about a particular club, please contact the club directly or contact us at for more details about the project.

All the best,

Olivia Hunt

Your Activities & Opportunities Officer 24/25