Welcome to UEA Angels Cheerleading Dance!
Become a UEA Angel this year and experience Cheerleading Dance - a sports club with a strong emphasis on fun and inclusivity!
Whether you come from a dancing background or are completely new to the dancing world, we have a class to suit you with no previous experience required! With weekly training sessions and exciting performance opportunities every semester, we promise to keep you fulfilled with fun sessions and experiences throughout the year.
Last year alone our Show Squads took part in numerous half-time performances including mens hockey and basketball, with our Advanced Squad performing at Norwich Football Stadium! As well as throwing our annual internal showcase, all of our squads also performed at both the Winter and Summer Dance showcases, Gymnastics showcase, and our Angels showcase joint with Cheer Stunt. Our competition team travelled across the country and brought home two National Champion titles, as well as competing at the annual Derby Day against Essex University and brining home the trophy once again! We also successfully held the much anticipated So You Think You Can Cheer Dance event (SYTYCCD), where different sports teams across UEA submit a team to be coached by some of our members and compete on the LCR stage to win the SYTYCCD title! With many more charity events and socials throughout the year, at UEA Angels there truly is something for everyone, making every moment a chance to create lasting memories and form lifelong friendships.
But it's not just about the cheer and dance; being an Angel means becoming part of a vibrant and inclusive community. We pride ourselves on creating a welcoming environment where everyone can feel at home. From squad sleepovers and meals in the city to festive activities, movie nights, and mini golf, we offer a wide array of socials that bring our members closer together, both within each squad and as a club. Being the highlight of most students' week, Wednesday Sports Nights at the LCR are always nights to look forward to, led by our amazing social secs who create fun themes and games for us each week, including joint socials with other sports teams! We also throw our annual Winter and Summer cheer balls to celebrate our hard work over the previous semester and present awards. Plus, our much-anticipated Tour provides a fantastic getaway abroad with teammates and other sports teams from both UEA and across the country.
We hope you will join us for another successful year and cannot wait to welcome you to our Angels family. Check out our social media accounts listed below to see what we have to offer and do not hesitate to contact us to find out more.
To find out more…
MEMBERS FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/groups/514172895326030/
INSTAGRAM: @ueacheerdance
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1626374731644350/
EMAIL: uea.cheerleadingdance@uea.ac.uk
Our Squads:
Prospective Angels are welcome to join one of our two inclusive Show Squads:
Diamond and Sapphire – our mixed ability show squads train once a week and get to perform at events on and around UEA campus after learning a routine choreographed by our coaches. Show squad is the perfect opportunity to get involved in Cheer Dance even if you have no prior experience! Show squads are also perfect for those who want be social members to get involved in the fitness fun of cheer! Show squad members get the full cheer experience including uniforms, bows, poms and all the fun!
For those with previous cheer and dance experience, we encourage you to join one of our two Advanced Squads:
Emerald (Advanced 2) – our advanced show squad for those with prior cheer or dance experience who want to test themselves a little bit more each week! All other aspects remain the same as Sapphire and Diamond show squads.
Ruby (Advanced 1) - our advanced show squad for those preparing to enter the competition squad in future. This squad would require the same dedication and similar ability as our competition squad.
For those wanting to cheer competitively, we invite you to try out for our Competition Squad:
Onyx - every year our competition squad competes nationally multiple times a year and you will get to experience this too! We have won 7 national titles in the last decade including Grand National Champions and our most recent winnings being at BCA and Legacy last competition season where we also won National Champions. We invite you to become part of this legacy and hopefully win more titles this upcoming season.
Committee 2024/2025:
President – Milly Napper
Vice President – Angie Garcia Carrilero
Treasurer – Natalie Carter
Publicity Officer – Olivia Diffey
Social Secretaries – Olivia Lyne and Libby McCarthy
Community Officer – Sophia Palmeri
Health & Safety, Equality & Diversity, Union Rep – Hayley Brown
First-Year Rep - Kezia Margand
Coaches 2024/2025:
Competition squad coaches:
Onyx - Jessie Harald and Esmie Sarling-Ireland
Head Show Coach - Clara Kanz
Advanced Show Squad Coaches:
Ruby - Clara Kanz and Anna Nice
Emerald - Olivia Hatcher and Emelia Fairfield
Show Squad Coaches:
Diamond - Ciara Leamy and Roma Bernini
Sapphire - Izzy Golding and Lottie Martin
See us in action:
2024-25 timetable:

UEA Sportswear:
Sample sizes are available to try in the UEA Sports office, located inside the sports park to the left before going through the barrier.
Use the code ERREA21 for free delivery to the UEA Sports Park Office.
Code of practice:
Cheer Dance Code of practice 2024-25.docx
UEA Angels Cheerleading Dance does not condone any initiation routines or socials, including those in which challenges and forfeits are present, in which members feel pressured to behave in a certain way for acceptance. Any behaviour of members, which categorises as this kind of behaviour will not be accepted by the club.
The Real Cost of Sport
The 'Real Cost of Sport' initiative, a project reviewed and rebranded by the Students' Union in partnership with uea+sport, aims to provide prospective members with a comprehensive overview of the potential costs of joining their chosen sports club. This year, I have worked closely with the clubs to ensure these tables are as accurate and up-to-date as possible.

This guide is intended to serve as a general reference. The compulsory cost includes the uea+sport membership fee of £55, which is a one-time payment that covers membership across all clubs.
When considering additional expenses, it is important to note that some clubs may not have any extra costs, while others might incur additional fees. These costs often depend on the level of competitiveness within the sport; recreational or social participation is generally less expensive. Additionally, some equipment, such as shoes or gum shields, may be used across multiple sports, potentially reducing overall expenses.
For any specific questions or further information about a particular club, please contact the club directly or contact us at union.opportunities@uea.ac.uk for more details about the project.
All the best,
Olivia Hunt
Your Activities & Opportunities Officer 24/25