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Officer Profile
Nathan Wyatt - Welfare, Community & Diversity Officer

Welfare, Community and Diversity Blog

Keep updated with the goings on and important work that Nathan is doing by taking a look at his blog!

Nathan Wyatt (he/him)

Welfare, Community & Diversity Officer

Hey! I’m Nathan and I’m your Welfare, Community and Diversity Officer this year!

I’ve recently graduated from UEA with a degree in International Relations and Politics. Throughout my time here I’ve fought for students, helping to secure an £800 rent rebate in 2021, getting blankets and warm resources for students on campus in 2022, and opening new warm spaces in 2023. I’m really looking forward to continuing to fight for students’ full time!

Your Welfare, Community & Diversity Officer represents you.

The Welfare, Community & Diversity Officer is a full-time representative of students, focusing on student wellbeing, sense of belonging, diversity and representation for students from all backgrounds.

My Manifesto

My top three goals for the next year are:

  • Cost-of-living support: It’s really difficult being a student now - rising rents and bills, and yet student finance hasn’t grown. This year I’ll be fighting for more bursaries, easier access to the university’s funds, and more free resources in the SIZ/library.
  • Protecting underrepresented and marginalised groups: The Student of Colour Ambassador Scheme does great work with UEA and the SU, helping to close the degree awarding gap. I’ll be working to secure more funding, and I’m hoping to expand to more schools at UEA!
  • More support for disabled students: This year I’ll be focusing on helping UEA’s disabled community- disabled students deserve a louder voice! Lifts should be reliable, and alternative routes should be displayed clearly.

For all the details on my aims and what I plan to do, check out my full manifesto below!

Nathan's Blog

Keep updated with the goings on and important work that Nathan is doing by taking a look at his blog!

Contact Nathan