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Officer Profile
Rebekah - Undergraduate Education Officer

Undergraduate Education Blog

Keep updated with the goings on and important work that Rebekah is doing by taking a look at her blog!

Rebekah Temple-Fielder (she/her)

Undergraduate Education Officer

Hi everyone! My name is Rebekah [she/her] and I am delighted to be your Undergraduate Education Officer for 2024/25.

I recently graduated from UEA with a degree in History of Art with Gallery and Museum Studies, so I will be bringing my firsthand experiences of UEA, and its academic systems, into this role.

Being the Undergraduate Education Officer means that I am a full-time representative of students, specifically undergraduates, focusing directly on their education and any academic issues that may affect students on undergraduate courses. I am here to support students with their educational needs, working closely with School and Faculty Convenors as well as acting as a link between students, their school, and the Students Union, to make sure students are getting the most out of their time at university.

I am looking forward to getting stuck into my role this year and incorporating student engagement and feedback throughout all my work, so if you want to get involved, or have any questions, queries or concerns please reach out!


My Manifesto

My top three goals for the next year are:

  • Restructuring the Course and Academic Representative structures - The current system is due a complete restructure in order to create a more effective and efficient forum for students and staff to communicate. Visibility of this system means that many students do not know where to find help and how they can get involved and I want to change this! This year I’ll be working on nurturing this system to make sure that all schools are using it to its full potential in order to benefit students and make change!
  • Make printing more accessible and affordable – Being a student currently is difficult and expensive, and it's my belief that a process as simple as printing at your university should not be either of these things. I will work this year towards a printing allowance for students so that a subsidy for this service is offered, whilst also raising questions about why our printing is more expensive than at a lot of other universities across the sector, especially given the current lack of and student support in this area. I will also create a more user-friendly guide on how to use the printers and how to top up your account so that it is easy to follow and well signposted.
  • Increase student support and engagement – Across all areas of my work this year I want to increase student support and engagement, with particular emphasis on making sure students know where they can get support and feel heard. By introducing accountability systems, students can report to me, or school convenors and reps, where their educational needs are not being met so that problems can be raised and sorted effectively

For all the details on my aims and what I plan to do, check out my full manifesto below!

Taylor's Blog

Keep updated with the goings on and important work that Taylor is doing by taking a look at her blog!

Contact Rebekah