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Officer Hub

Student Officers

Student officers are democratically elected by UEA Students to represent them to the University and the wider world, to lobby for their interests and make University life the best it can be.

Your student officers represent you! You can contact them about academic issues, clubs and societies, campaigns and more.

Who are the Student Officer Committee (SOC)?

The 19 elected officers make up the Student Officer Committee (SOC) and are responsible for the day-to-day decisions and direction that the Union takes. They also lead campaigns and every day push for change on students’ behalf.

Full-Time Officers

Full-time officers are students who are elected to take a sabbatical from their studies and become employees of uea(su), paid to represent your interests full-time to the University.

uea(su) has five full-time officers, representing Undergraduate Students, Postgraduate Students, Activities and Opportunities, Campaigns and Democracy, and Welfare, Community and Diversity.

Part-Time Officers

Part-time officers represent students' interests on a broad range of issues and students from all backgrounds. Part-time officers are elected to undertake their roles while continuing their studies, volunteering their time to make sure you are represented!


Elections are held every year for all student officer positions, usually between January and March. Any student can run! Find out more at our Elections page.

SOC Agendas and Minutes

SOC (Student Officer Committee) meets on a monthly basis and its responsibility shall be to set out and promote the interests of the student members as from time to time determined by policy resolution and suggested by election and consultation. They advise the Board of Trustees of any implications for the use of resources arising out of this. They also act as the political leadership of the union, carrying out representation and campaigning work and the implementation of policy.

Records of meetings can be found below:

Officer Updates

Your student officers make a commitment to the student body in their manifestos, which they follow up on once elected. Alongside their busy meeting schedules and bustling social media presence, they also respond to key national and global issues and keep you up to date with all the SU is doing.

Activities & Opportunities Officer

Luke Johnson Find out more

Campaigns & Democracy Officer

Serene Shibli Find out more

Welfare, Community & Diversity Officer

Nathan Wyatt Find out more

Undergraduate Education Officer

Taylor Sounes Find out more

Postgraduate Officer

Elise Page Find out more

Part-Time Officers

Part-Time Officers Find out more