
Campus Hide and Seek

Wednesday 05 June 2024, 1:30pm - 4pm


Ready or not? Anyone is welcome to join us for a game of hide and seek where most of campus is your playing field.

Don't get too comfy as the area your allowed to hide will shrink every half an hour until only the square and street are left!


We highly reccomend that you participate in the event as a pair!


All people wishing to participate must get a free ticket and fill out the form attached by Tuesday 4th June at 18:00 this is just so we know how many people are participating in order to keep the event safe!

How it will work:

  1. Meet at the square at 13:30
  2. Briefing on safety and reminder of how the event will work.
  3. Everyone participating will be given a lanyard which they must wear around their neck for the entire event.
  4. Initial seekers will be selected.
  5. Everyone will get sent the intial boundaries in which they can hide via a whatsApp group.
  6. Hiders released to go and hide!
  7. Seekers released after 15mins.
  8. Every half an hour afterwards the zone in which you can hide will shrink, you will all be sent updated boundaries via the whatsApp group until only the street and square are left.
  9. Once hiders are found they will become seekers.
  10. Either hiders still not found by the end of the event or the last person/pair to be found will win a prize!

Safety rules:

  • You cannot hide inside any building on campus except for the ground floor of union house (hive/unio).
  • If near buildings please be quiet as students may be taking exams or staff may be trying to work.
  • No running!
  • Do not hide near any roads.
  • Where possible try to cross roads at marked crossings, and take care when trying to cross.
  • If you want to leave the event at any time please message one the committee or the whatsapp group to let us know!
  • If there are any emergancies contact the emergancy services before informing us via the whatsApp group.
  • We reccomend participating as a pair!
  • Make sure to bring plenty of water and suncream :)


In the form for registration we ask to provide a phone number. This is so that you can be added to a WhatsApp group on the day of the event. This will be used for communication of things happening during the event  including safety warnings, time updates and the boundaries of where you can hide. The group can also be used to contact the committee should you need any help during the event. This will mean that both the committee and other participants will have access to your number during the event. You number will be deleted as well as the whatsApp group will be deleted within 24 hours of the event ending. If you don't wish to leave your phone number please write "alternate" in the number field when registering and we can arrange an alternate method of communication.