Sports First Aid Level 3 Course (21/12)
Thursday 21 December 2023, 9am - 5pm
UEA Sports Park
The Sports First Aid Level 3 (VTQ) qualification provides training to help deal with first aid situations in the sports sector.
Areas covered include:
- Introductory First Aid Training
- Fears of First Aid
- Asking Permission to Help
- Scene Safety
- Chain of Survival
- DRAB and the ABCDs
- Initial Assessment
- Stop Think Act
- Barriers
- Face Shields
- Adult Bag Valve Mask (optional)
- First Aid Kit
- Cardiac Arrest
- Adult and Child CPR, Adult CPR Hand Over, Compression-Only CPR
- Heart Attack and Stroke
- Choking Training, Conscious and Unconscious Adult Choking
- Electrocution
- Bleeding Control, Types of Bleeding, Serious Bleeding, Plasters
- Secondary Care Ongoing Assessments for Injury and Illness
- Illness Assessment
- RICE - Strains and Sprains
- Adult Fractures
- Paediatric Head Injury
- Eye Injuries
- Spinal Injury
- Dental Injuries
- Anatomy of an Injury
- Allergies
- Burns
- Heat and Cold Emergencies
- Shock
- Diabetes
- Asthma
- Epilepsy
- Adult Seizures