
Art History Society: Guided Tour of Ayahuasca & Art of the Amazon

Friday 27 September 2024, 1pm - 4pm

Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts


£0.00 (Students)

Come along to our first taster session, where we will be embarking on a tour around the latest exhibition at the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts. The tour will be guided by the Art History Society committee.

Hello and welcome to our first taster session for the 2024 academic year!

For our first session, we will be exploring the new exhibition at our renowned on-campus gallery, the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts. Their latest exhibit, Ayahuasca & Art of the Amazon, is part of their ongoing exhibition series, questioning 'Why do we take drugs?'.

This exhibit displays the use of ayahuasca and its effects in Western Amazonian social life and culture. It explores how the use of this hallucinogenic is intrinsically linked with the arts and history of the Western Amazon.

The tour will be guided by members of your Art History Society committee, who will be doing extensive research prior to the tour to ensure that we can answer your questions and assist your personal experience of the exhibit. Our committee will be visiting the exhibit prior to the tour and using resources from the Sainsbury Centre for Visual Arts so that we will have the best background knowledge to guide you during the session.

Afterwards, we will be having coffee/tea in one of the lovely cafes in the gallery, allowing for further discussion or getting to know one another. While the event is free, refreshments at these cafes will need to be paid for individually.

We are so excited to see you all and hear your thoughts on this brilliant exhibition!