
Volunteering and Charity Events

View this month's events

Fri 14th March

Committee Recruitment
3rd March 9am - 14th March 3pm
On campus/ Teams Meeting
For the recruitment Positions, Please refer to our main page Plz Noted, For the committee MUST be have standard membership ! (24/25UEAE10828)
Rumble in the Concrete Jungle 5
5:30pm - 10pm
The annual UEA MMA charity event, raising money for Help for Heroes, with the help of all our fighters and coaches.

Sat 15th March

UEA Golf Alumni Day
10am - 6pm
Dunston Hall Golf Club & Hotel
UEA Golf's annual Alumni Day in support of Alzheimer's Society
Bring a Buddy to Ballet
4pm - 5pm
Dance Studio, Sportspark

Wed 19th March

Body Positivity Stall
11am - 2pm
The Hive, stall 3

Tue 25th March

I’m a President Get Me Out of Here 2025
6pm - 9pm
I’m a president get me out of here is back🔥🐞🐛🪲🪳

Sat 24th May

Dodgeball Sports day Fundraiser
2pm - 5pm
UEA SportsPark
Come join our sports day themed fundraiser, we have 10 fantastic events and prizes for the winner 🥇
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