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Forthcoming Events
Tue 28th January
Lunar New Year (Daytime Activities)
noon - 3pm
The Hive, Exhibition Space, and LCR
Every Stitch Tells a Story
3pm - 5pm
To commemorate the Holocaust, join UEA Jewish Society and History Society in creating a quilt tailored to the victims of the Holocaust.
Folding Fan Decorating
3pm - 5pm
The Hive Exhibition Space
Pints and Politics
6pm - 8pm
Blue Bar
Strength and Conditioning
6pm - 7pm
Sportspark Functional Studio
Lunar New Year Sparklers
7pm - 8pm
The Square
SU Bar + Karaoke Social
7pm - midnight
SU Bar
To welcome you back to uni after the winter break, we have planned a relaxed social in the SU bar. As requested, there will be the option to do karaoke later on in the evening (you don't have to!). Members and non-members are welcome.
Karaoke Night
8pm - 11:30pm
Blue Bar, Union House
Turning Red Screening
8pm - 10pm
Bookable Room 1
Wed 29th January
Club & Societies Fair
noon - 3:30pm
The LCR, Union House
Allotment Taster Session!
1pm - 3pm
the square/UEA allotments
Allotment Induction/Taster Session! Find out where our allotment is and what we have been up to as well as meeting other members and committee!
UEA Dance Squad: Hip Hop Taster Session
6pm - 7pm
Congregation Hall 01.20
UEA Dance Squad: Hip Hop Show Squad Taster (Beginner-Intermediate)
UEA Dance Squad: Commercial Taster Session
7pm - 8pm
Congregation Hall 01.20
UEA Dance Squad: Commercial Show Squad Taster (Beginner-Intermediate)
UV Zumba
8:30pm - 9:30pm
Thu 30th January
Plant Pot Painting
11am - 2pm
The Hive, Union House
Postgrad CommuniTea
noon - 3pm
Scholars corner and lounge
British Snack Night
5pm - 7pm
Exhibition Space, The Hive
Tennis Taster Session 1
5:30pm - 7:30pm
Whether you're an experienced player or have never picked up a racquet before, come down to a taster session and see what UEA Tennis is all about. We cater to all abilities, so there is something for everyone!
Chess Society Women's Only Taster Session
6pm - 7:30pm
NewSci 0.03
Come along to our women's only chess taster sessions!
Open Mic Night
6pm - 11pm
GeekSoc's First Week Back!
6:30pm - 9:30pm
We're back!
Fri 31st January
Post Grad Coffee Meet Up
4pm - 6pm
The Yard Coffee
Olympic Weightlifting Taster
5pm - 6pm
Gain Fitness, 1B Guardian Road, Norwich, NR5 8PF
Want to try something new in the gym? Feel the weight of a barbell overhead? Well come down to Gain Fitness! Join us at 5pm to be taught Olympic Weightlifting by a qualified and experienced weightlifting coach. All you need is a water bottle!
Anime/Japan Pub Quiz Social
6:30pm - 10pm
NewSci 0.05
UEA Dance Squad: Jazz Taster Session
8:20pm - 9:20pm
Kiff Matheson Suite (Sportspark)
UEA Dance Squad: Jazz Show Squad Taster Session
UEA Dance Squad: Contemporary Taster Session
9:20pm - 10:20pm
Kiff Matheson Suite (Sportspark)
UEA Dance Squad: Contemporary Show Squad Taster Session
Sat 1st February
Tennis Taster Session 2
1pm - 3pm
Whether you're an experienced player or have never picked up a racquet before, come down to a taster session and see what UEA Tennis is all about. We cater to all abilities, so there is something for everyone!
Sun 2nd February
Bowthorpe Marshes walk
11am - 3pm
The Square
A FREE walk including Marriott's Way and Bowthorpe marshes!
Tennis Taster Session 3
2pm - 4pm
Whether you're an experienced player or have never picked up a racquet before, come down to a taster session and see what UEA Tennis is all about. We cater to all abilities, so there is something for everyone!
Off Ice Taster Session
7pm - 8pm
Sportspark UEA
A short taster session for anyone looking to give Ice Hockey a go!
Mon 3rd February
Taster Session
4:20pm - 6pm
Sportspark, Sports Hall 1
Baseball and Softball Taster Session (Indoor Session)
Cuban Salsa Taster Session
6pm - 8pm
Thomas Paine Study Centre Foyer
Join us for a fun and interactive beginners Cuban salsa taster session!
Speaker Event: Lord Peter Hain
6:15pm - 8pm
Enterprise Centre
Discussion and Q&A with the Rt Hon. Lord Peter Hain
Fencing Taster Session (03 Feb)
7:15pm - 10pm
Sports Park Hall 2
Fencing Taster session
Tue 4th February
anime odd one out 🕵️
6:30pm - 9pm
NewSci 0.05
Italian society Pizza night
6:30pm - 10pm
The Warwick arms, 2 Warwick street, NR2 3LD
Join us on Tuesday the 4th of February for our first social of the semester at the Warwick arms for pizza. A chance to meet new people and catch up with old friends after the winter break.
Karaoke Night
8pm - 11:30pm
Blue Bar, Union House
Wed 5th February
Coffee Afternoon - Book Swap
noon - 2pm
The Hive, Bookable Room 1
As part of our usual coffee afternoons, we are running a history book swap. Bring along any history book you no longer want and swap with others! Alternatively, we do have some books you can help yourself to even if you don't bring your own. Free.
Taster Session
12:30pm - 4pm
Colney Lane Plateau - Meet outside the front of the SportsPark
Baseball Taster Session (Outdoors)
Allotment Taster Session!
1pm - 3pm
the square/UEA allotments
Allotment Induction/Taster Session! Find out where our allotment is and what we have been up to as well as meeting other members and committee!
Archery taster session 1
1:40pm - 3:20pm
Sportspark Hall 3
Any ability is welcome, whether you're an experienced archer or you've never shot before, come and give it a go. Hope to see you there!
Taster Session 1
3pm - 4pm
Try out climbing for free at our Give it a Go taster session!!
Archery taster session 2
3:30pm - 5pm
Sportspark Hall 3
Any ability is welcome, whether you're an experienced archer or you've never shot before, come and give it a go. Hope to see you there!
Taster Session 2
4pm - 5pm
Try out climbing for free at our Give it a Go taster sessions!!
Minibus to Highball
5:30pm - 9:30pm
UEA Dance Squad: Hip Hop Taster Session
6pm - 7pm
Congregation Hall 01.20
UEA Dance Squad: Hip Hop Show Squad Taster Session
UEA Dance Squad: Commercial Taster Session
7pm - 8pm
Congregation Hall 01.20
UEA Dance Squad: Commercial Show Squad Taster (Beginner-Intermediate)
Thu 6th February
Chess Society Women's Only Taster Session
6pm - 7:30pm
NewSci 0.03
Come along to our women's only chess taster sessions!
Fri 7th February
Olympic Weightlifting Taster
5pm - 6pm
Gain Fitness, 1B Guardian Road, Norwich, NR5 8PF
Want to try something new in the gym? Feel the weight of a barbell overhead? Well come down to Gain Fitness! Join us at 5pm to be taught Olympic Weightlifting by a qualified and experienced weightlifting coach. All you need is a water bottle!
Sociology Society Bar Social
7pm - midnight
A chance to meet the committee and fellow members!
UEA Dance Squad: Jazz Taster Session
8:20pm - 9:20pm
Kiff Matheson Suite (Sportspark)
UEA Dance Squad: Jazz Show Squad Taster Session
UEA Dance Squad: Contemporary Taster Session
9:20pm - 10:20pm
Kiff Matheson Suite (Sportspark)
UEA Dance Squad: Contemporary Show Squad Taster Session
Sat 8th February
Sociology Society Bar Social
7pm - midnight
A chance to meet the committee and fellow members!
Sun 9th February
Taster Session 3
4pm - 5pm
Try out climbing for free at our Give it a Go taster sessions!!
Taster Session 4
5pm - 6pm
Try out climbing for free at our Give it a Go taster sessions!!
Mon 10th February
Mature Students Nibble and Natter
11am - 1pm
How to Win an Election in 10 Days
2pm - 3pm
Bookable Room 1
Running in the Elections this year? As the uea(su) Elections season gets going, join us for a short workshop on campaigning and campaign techniques! Learn the Elections rules, get to grips with campaign strategies & ask any questions you may have!
Tue 11th February
Manifesto Writing Workshop
2pm - 3pm
Bookable Room 1
Join us for a session of guidance around manifesto writing! A member of the elections team will talk you through previous manifesto examples to give you an idea of what a manifesto should look like and give you some top tips.
TBD Spring Screening #1
6:30pm - 10pm
NewSci 0.05
Glitterbomb Warm Up: Karaoke
8pm - 11pm
Dorothy's Bar, Upstairs in Union House
Fri 14th February
Thinking of Running? What you Should Know
4pm - 5pm
Bookable Room 1
Join us for an exciting workshop filled with tips and tricks, Elections myth-busting and insider knowledge of the Elections process from a previous candidate.
Mon 17th February
WTF is a PTO?
2pm - 3pm
Bookable Room 1
This workshop, delivered by outgoing WCD Officer Nathan Wyatt, will give you an insight into what it’s like to be a PTO, the kind of meetings and responsibilities you might have and how you can make a positive change during your term.
Tue 18th February
Karaoke Night
8pm - 11:30pm
Blue Bar, Union House
Wed 19th February
UV ZUMBA for LGBTQ+ History Month
8:15pm - 9:30pm
Thu 20th February
Chess Society Women's Only Taster Session
6pm - 7:30pm
NewSci 0.03
Come along to our women's only chess taster sessions!
Fri 21st February
Candidate Briefing
5pm - 6pm
Bookable Room 6
Join us for the compulsory candidate briefing for everyone running in the Elections 2025. Meet your competition, learn the do's and dont's of the Elections, and have fun!
Tue 25th February
Karaoke Night
8pm - 11:30pm
Blue Bar, Union House
Tue 4th March
Karaoke Night
8pm - 11:30pm
Blue Bar, Union House
Wed 5th March
Banner Drop
9am - 9:30am
The Hive
Candidates- come along to drop your banner and let the voting and campaigning begin!
Thu 6th March
speaker event: Dr Svitlana Rekrut
6:30pm - 8pm
Discussion and Q&A with Dr Svitlana Rekrut in collaboration with Economics Society and Women in Finance Society
Tue 11th March
Karaoke Night
8pm - 11:30pm
Blue Bar, Union House
Thu 13th March
Mature Students Nibble and Natter
11am - 1pm
speaker event: Adrian Ramsay MP
5:30pm - 6:30pm
Lecture Theatre 3
Discussion and Q&A with Adrian Ramsay MP
Tue 18th March
Karaoke Night
8pm - 11:30pm
Blue Bar, Union House
Wed 19th March
This Girl Can: UV ZUMBA
8:15pm - 9:30pm
Tue 25th March
Karaoke Night
8pm - 11:30pm
Blue Bar, Union House
Thu 8th May
Speaker event: Alex Burghart MP
6:30pm - 8pm
Enterprise Centre
Discussion and Q&A with Alex Burghart MP
Mon 12th May
Mature Students Nibble and Natter
11am - 1pm
Sat 21st June
6:30pm - 10pm
The Nick Rayns LCR
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