
Damn Good Pyjama Party

Tuesday 31 January 2023, 10:30pm - 2:30am


Dress like you're getting ready for bed, then make your way down to the LCR! Join us for a night of all your classic retro pop hits from your resident DJs in your favourite dressing gown or onesie.

Why sleep tight when you'd rather be dancing all night!


Advance £4.50

Last entry 01:15

18+ event

Please respect our staff and other attendees.

We have zero tolerance towards spiking.  

Anyone caught spiking will be banned from the venue for life, if you or your friend think you have been spiked, please report it to staff – you will be believed.  

Our Security and Venues teams are trained to support you; plus, our dedicated student welfare Alcohol Impact Crew, are on hand to operate a safe space in the Hive (we can help with getting students home if needed), alongside the marvellous St John First Aiders.  

Please ask for a spikey at the bar and try to reuse it if possible. We are also purchasing foil lids for cups and testing strips – as soon as they arrive we will be using them.  We will continue to routinely remove any abandoned drinks.

We really do want you to have a good night out.