Campaigning as multi-racial disabled women - then and now
Thursday 08 December 2022, 2pm - 3:30pm
Online or Bookable Room 6
WinVisible is a multi-racial grassroots organisation bringing together women with visible and invisible disabilities who are seeking asylum, refugee, immigrant and UK-born.
WinVisible women will talk about our history across the disability and women’s movements since the 1980s, and host a discussion on how we are challenging disabled women’s poverty and lack of safety, and how we can win against multiple discrimination today.
Email: Blog Twitter @WinVisibleWomen
You can either watch the event online at home or upstairs in Union House, Bookable Room 6. Location can be found here:,+the+Hive%2FLCR,+Employability+Job+Shop,+Student+Union+Advice+Centre,+Union+Bars,+Norwich+NR4+7TJ/@52.6215603,1.2393267,17z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x47d9e126021e9c77:0x1fbf954dd7be8430!8m2!3d52.6215571!4d1.2415154
If you watching this in Union House, please buy a free ticket above on the SU website to let us know you are interested in attending.
If you are watching online, Zoom details are below:
Thursday 8 December
2pm – 3.30pm
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 825 1495 1330
Passcode: 113497
There is a lift opposite Unio to take you to the upstairs floor of the building. Please let us know if you have any accessibility requirements by emailing and we will do what we can to accommodate.