
Click the links below to explore the LGBT+ History Month hub




At the SU, we believe in the importance of community: building a sense of unity, maintaining a social connection, and assuring safety. Hence, we have created a few platforms to show our support and contribute towards the LGBT+ community. On campus, throughout February there will be amazing flagship events to attend.

Welfare and Support

If you are experiencing difficulty reaching out for support with any issue you are facing, the links below might be exactly what you're looking for. You are never alone.


Welfare SU logo Find out more

Mind Out

Mind Out logo Find out more

LGBT Foundation

LGBT Foundation logo Find out more

Support Documents

As well as signposting to these services, we have collated a couple of resources that focus on more specific areas - mental health services and trans & non-binary support. You can find out more below.

  • Mental Health Serivce Directory.docx
  • Trans & Non-Binary Support Doc

Links and Resources

Check out our social media campaign for regular updates throughout LGBT+ History Month 2025!

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