Here at uea(su), we’re constantly working to support causes that matter most to you. These range from awareness days, weeks or months, or any of our other ongoing campaigns. You'll also find SU awards ceremonies, annual events and the prestigious Derby Day here!
A number of these campaigns run on specific dates, but we’re passionate about our activism being a year-round offering, and we want to do our bit to make sure that liberation campaigns remain a part of the conversation beyond their start and end dates.
If there’s something you’re passionate about, we’d love to hear about it and get your suggestions about what we can do to help - whether it’s a local cause or an international campaign which matters to you. Feel free to come and chat to us in Union House, reach out to one of your Student Officers or drop us a line using the suggestion button below!
So why not get out there, make your voice heard and make the difference you want to see?
- Share infographics about causes that are close to you and tag the su
- Engage with peer support and uea(su) discussion groups
- Attend events run by clubs and societies or by uea(su) to understand the issues and join in
- Donate to fundraisers and charities you care about (if possible!)
- Have the difficult conversations - if I hear something and it doesn't sit right with me, I'll try to challenge it!
Campaigns are organised courses of action designed to bring about change at various levels, be it local, national or global. They tend to focus on issues such as equal rights, climate change, religious freedom and/or freedom of speech. During a campaign, you’ll find plenty of activities, infographics and group events to raise awareness for a certain issue which you can get involved with, but activism and engaging with any of these causes goes well beyond just campaigning!
Here's what's going on right now!
As a democratic organisation representing the student body at UEA, uea(su) run elections each academic year to make sure that you have a say on who represents you and to make sure that, once elected, your representatives are held accountable.
Ready To Rent is a series of workshops and events run by advice(su), aimed at helping you prepare for house hunting and make informed decisions about where you choose to live.
The TEAs are our way of giving back to the academic community at UEA; taking a night to recognise the efforts of those that go above and beyond!
Womens History Month is the annual celebration of women’s history, liberation, and successes held every March. International Women’s Day falls within this month, taking place on March 8th and is a global holiday to commemorate and celebrate women’s achievements and rights, and to reinforce a commitment to women’s equality.
Previous Next
1st semester
1st - 31st Oct
1st - 30th Nov
1st - 30th Nov
13th - 19th Nov
14th Nov - 20th Dec
25th Nov
16th Jan - 15th Mar
15th Jan
1st - 28th Feb
5th Feb - 14th Mar
1st - 31st Mar
30th April
12th May
6th May
3rd - 9th July
All Year
What's going on?
What do you think we should be focusing on? Let us know!