I am Syed Muhammad Hamza, and a second-year International Relations student. I got my first whiff of being a course rep back in 2020 during my foundation year. Following that point, I again served as course rep in 2022 and was subsequently elected as School Convenor for PPL in 2023.
Goals if I am elected:
- Creating more internship opportunities for students.
- Keeping the students’ feedback anonymous and maintaining a high level of privacy.
- Being the Former President of Amnesty International Society (UEA), I observed a lack of communication or link between UEA’s societies and PPL school. I shall work on this aspect to augment the experience of students involved in university societies.
- I am also amongst the pioneers of UEA’s Security and Intelligence society (UEA) as I am a huge proponent of organising intellectual discussions. Though we do have a considerable number of such talks taking place, I feel that external speakers from different countries ought to be invited frequently by the PPL school.
- Provide more guidance to students during their module enrolment.
- Organising more social events for PPL students as social life is also important alongside academic rigor.
- Creating a social media group chat for PPL students.
- Giving students a clear indication about their course reps so that PPL students are well aware and have the necessary information required to convey feedback to their course reps.