
Candidate for the position of Economics School - School Convenor

Claudio Barchiesi

Hi! I’m Claudio and I am a second-year economics student here at UEA.  I am thrilled to nominate myself for the position of School Convenor for the School of Economics. With a deep commitment to student welfare and academic excellence, I aspire to represent the collective voice of our vibrant student community. My previous experience as an academic rep for the school as well as being a PAL mentor has allowed me to get to know the ins and outs of the faculty. It has also proven to me that by working together great things can be done.

My vision as School Convenor is centred on empowering students to reach their full potential. With your support, I am confident that we can build a stronger, more inclusive community within the School of Economics. Together, let us embark on a journey of academic excellence and student empowerment.

Thank you for your consideration.
