Hi everyone, I’m Ollie and I’m a 5th year International Relations masters student (career UEA student – at least according to my parents) currently on a year abroad and I’m running to be your next activities and opportunities officer. I want to be your Activities & Opportunities Officer because I know there are lots of things that can be made better and I think I’m the right person to do this.
When I joined UEA I quickly discovered that clubs and societies were my favourite part of the uni experience. I’d even go so far as to say I graduated with a tennis degree rather than an IR one, at least that’s what it felt like. After just joining the uni tennis club for fun, I ended up playing BUCS most weeks and eventually becoming president, which I could never imagine.
I have so many ideas of things I’d like to bring to the student union to improve everyone’s experience, and here are some that I would love to start with:
- Introduce a UEA Mascot voted on by UEA students – create a symbol that the UEA community, can get behind when we thrash Essex on Derby Day 2024!
- Bring back Sportsnight Warmup at the SU – discounted drinks before Sportsnight on a Wednesday, alongside controlled drinking games like Warwick Uni have with their “circling”.
- Increase the support that academic schools give academic societies, properly implementing the SU policies.
- Keep cost of sport to a minimum with the cost-of-living crisis hitting students.
- Help club and societies find alternative funding such as sponsorship - combatting increasing costs and shrinking budgets without passing it onto their members.
- Bring back more live sport to the bar, particularly the bigger events and those that can be shown for free.
So, why should you vote for me?
- Outdoor Sportspark Sports Exec from 2020-22 – supporting the outdoor sportspark clubs with issues and grant requests, which made me understand what the role of A&O requires, as well as regularly attending Union Council. It also meant I got to work with staff at the university, SU and UEA sport, by attending meetings such as the Student Sport and Physical Activity Committee.
- President of UEA Tennis – grew the club both in terms of members, socials, squads and teams, but it made me realise the huge number of challenges that club and society committees face.
- Multiple Committee positions including social sec and captain, so it’s fair to say I have had my fair share of committee positions!
My time involved in all things clubs and societies has allowed me to gain the best possible insight into how I could improve the opportunities for all UEA students and I hope to hear from you if you have any questions!: o.dyson@uea.ac.uk