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Decolonise UEA Resources

This page is for resources related to decolonise uea. Whether you want to find out more about the meaning of decolonisation, or want to find reading related to your course, we'll add useful information here, which we will be adding to as this campaign grows!

The below reading list is organised by theme. For context around the issue and NUS' work check out these articles on decolonising the curriculum.

1. Black liberation/ Decolonisation

  1. Pedagogy of the Oppressed: Paulo Friere
  2. The Politics of Education: Paulo Friere
  3. Pedagogy of Freedom: Ethics Democracy and Civic Courage - Paulo Friere
  4. Consciencism: Philosophy and Ideology for Decolonisation - Kwame Nkrumah (1964)
  5. Revolutionary Path - Kwame Nkrumah (1973)
  6. Franz Fanon and the Psychology of Oppression -  Bulhan, H.A ( 1985)
  7. I Write What I Like - Steve Biko (1987)
  8. Writers in Politics -  Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1981)
  9. Malcolm X: Collected Speeches, Debates and Interviews, 1960-1965) - Sandeep Atwali (ed.)
  10. The Victims of Democracy: Malcolm X and The Black Revolution - Wolfenstein (1981)
  11. Black Skin White Masks - Franz Fanon (1986)
  12. Toward The African Revolution - Franz Fanon (1964)
  13. A Dying Colonialism - Franz fanon (1959)
  14. How Europe Undeverloped Africa - Walter Rodney
  15. Surviving Pending Revolution: History of The Black Panther Party - Paul Alkebulan (2007)
  16. The Black Power Movement: Rethinking The Civil Rights - Black Power Era. Edited by Peniel E. Joseph (2006)
  17. The Politics of Dispossession: The Struggle for Palestinian Self-Determination 1969-1994 - Edward Said (1994)
  18. The Question of Palestine - Edward Said (1992)
  19. Fanon and the Decolonisation of Philosophy - Edited by Elizabeth Hoppe (2010)
  20. James Baldwin: Now - Edited by Dwight McBride
  21. A Nation within A Nation: Amiri Baraka and Black Power Politics - Komozi Woodard(1999)
  22. Moving to The Centre: The Struggle for Cultural Freedoms - Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1993)
  23. Writers in Politics: A re-Engagement With Issues of Literature & Society - Ngugi wa Thiong’o (1981)
  24. The Art of Protest: Culture and Activism from Civil Rights to the Streets of Seattle - T.V Reed (2005)
  25. Black Experience and the Empire - Edited by Philip D.Morgan & Sean Hawkins (2004)
  26. James Baldwin: Challenging Authors - A. Scott Henderson and P.L. Thomas (2014)
  27. Where We Stand: Class Matters - Bell Hooks

2. Decolonising Academia

  1. Race and Education: Policy and Politics in Britain - Sally Tomlison (2008)
  2. Contemporary Issues  in Education Series: Multiculturalism and Education - Richard Race (2008)
  3. Teaching To Transgress: Education as the Practice of Freedom - bell hooks
  4. A pedagogy for Liberation: Dialogues on Transforming Education - Paolo Friere (1989)
  5. The Education Strategies of The Black Middle Classes (UK) - Nicola Rollock
  6. The Black-White Gap: Why Closing it Is The Greatest Civil Rights Issue of Our Time - Rod Paige
  7. Reading Practices, Postcolonial Literature, and Cultural Mediation in the Classroom - Johnson & Mangat (eds). (2012)
  8. Actionable Postcolonial Theory in Education - Andreaotti, V. (2011)
  9. White Money, Black Power: The surprising History of African American Studies and Crisis of Race in Higher Education - Noliwe Rooks (2007)

3. Race(ism)

  1. Theories of Race and Racism: A Reader - Edited by Les Back and John Solomos (2000)
  2. Racism  - Miles, R. & Brown, M.(2003)
  3. Encyclopedia of Race and Racism -
  4. Race and Racism in Britain - John Solomos (1993)
  5. Colonial Migrants and Racism: Algerians in France - Neil Macmaster (1997)
  6. Radicals Against Race - Alleyne, B. (2002)
  7. Black, White or Mixed: Race and racism in the Lives of Young People of Mixed Parentage - Tizzard and Phoenix ( 2002)
  8. White Fragility: Robin DiAngelo
  9. Postcolonial Whiteness: A Critical Reader on Race and Empire - Lopez, A. (ed.) (2005)
  10. Waste of A White Skin: The Carnegie Corporation and the Racial Logic of White Vulnerability - Tiffany Willoughby-Herard (2015)
  11. How The Irish Became White - Noel Ignatev
  12. Whiteness: An Introduction - Robert Garber (2007)
  13. Refusing Racism: White Allies and the Struggle for Civil Rights (Cynthia Stokes Brown (2002)
  14. There Ain’t No Black In The Union Jack - Paul Gilroy (1987)
  15. Between Camps: nations, Cultures & The Allure of Race - Paul Gilroy (2000)
  16. Empire Strikes Back: Race and Racism in 70s Britain -  Centre For Contemporary Studies, (1982)
  17. The Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination: Racism in America - Edited by Jean lau Chi (2004)
  18. Locating Race: Global Sites of Post-Colonial Citizenship - Malini Johar Schueller (2009)
  19. Black Wealth/ White Wealth: A New Perspectives on racial Inequality - Marvin L Oliver (2006)
  20. The Prism of Race - Nico Slate (2014)

4. Identity Politics/ Shadism/ Colourism

  1. Transnational Blackness: Navigating the Global Color Line - Edited by Manning Marable (2008)
  2. Pan Africanism and the POlitics of African Citizenship and Identity - Toyin Falola & Kwame Essien (eds) (2013)
  3. The Culturalisation of Caste in India: Identity and Inequality in a Multicultural Age - Natrajan, B. (2011)
  4. The Psychology of Prejudice and Descrimination: Ethnicity and Multiracial Identity- Edited by Jean lau Chi (2004)
  5. Orientalism - Edward Said
  6. Identity and Global Politics: Empirical and Theoretical Implications - Edited by Patricia M. Goff

5. Feminism/ Womanism (POC - specific)

  1. Black Internationalist Feminism: Women Writers of The Black Left 1945-1995  - Higashida, C., (2011)
  2. Black feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness and the Politics of Empowerment - Patricia Hill Collins (2000)
  3. Aint I A Woman - Sojourner Truth (1851) (Transcript of speech Sojourner Truth’s 1851 speech)
  4. Ain’t I A Woman: Black Women and Feminism - bell hooks (1987)
  5. Black Looks: Race and Representation - bell hooks (1992)
  6. Feminism is For Everybody - bell hooks (2000)
  7. Representing Whiteness in Black Imagination - bell hooks
  8. Sisters of the Yam: Black Women and Self Recovery - bell hooks
  9. I am Your Sister: Black women Organising Across Sexualities - Audre Lorde (1985)
  10. Zami: Sister Outsider Undersong - Audre Lorde (1982)
  11. The Trouble Between Us: The Uneasy History of White and Black Women in the Feminist Movement - Winifred Breines (2006)
  12. Pimps Up, Ho’s Down: Hip Hop’s Hold on Young Black Women - T. Denean Sharpley- Whiting (2007)
  13. Women with Mustaches and Men without Beards by:  Afsaneh Najmabadi.
  14. Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence against Women of Color: Kimberle Crenshaw
  15. Convergences: Black Feminism and Continental Philosophy - edited by Maria de la Guadalupe et al (2010)
  16. I am Your sister: The Collected Works and Unpublished Writings of Audre Lorde (2009)
  17. Black Girls Matter: Pushed Out, Overpoliced and Underprotected - Kimberle Crenshaw (2015) (African American Policy Forum)
  18. Black Venus: They Called her Hottentot - Deborah Willis (ed.) (2010)
  19. Reconstructing Womanhood, Reconstructing Feminism: Writings on Black Women - Edited by Delia Jarrett-Macaulay
  20. Politics of The Female Body:   Postcolonial Women Writers of The Third World - Ketu M Katrak (2006)
  21. Postmodern, Feminist and Postcolonial Currents in Contemporary Japanese Literature - Murakami Fuminobu (2005)

6. Sexuality/Gender

  1. Black Sexual Politics: African Americans, Gender and the New Racism- Patricia Hill Collins (2004)
  2. Heterosexualism and the Colonial / Modern Gender System – Maria Lugones
  3. We Real Cool: Black Men and Masculinity - bell hooks (2003)
  4. The ‘unsaying’ of indigenous homosexualities in Zimbabwe: mapping a blindspot in an African masculinity: Marc epprecht
  5. The Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination: Bias Based on Gender and Sexual Orientation - Edited by Jean lau Chi (2004)
  6. Cruising Utopia: The Then and There of Queer Futurity: José Esteban Muñoz
  7. Van Sertima, “They Came Before Columbus'
  8. For Colored Boys Who Have Considered Suicide When the Rainbow is Still Not Enough: Coming of Age, Coming Out, and Coming Home by Keith Boykin
  9. Giovanni’s Room - James Baldwin

7. Media, Representation, & Culture:

  1. How to Write About Africa - Binyanvanga Wainana
  2. Images and Empire: Visuality in Colonial and Postcolonial Africa - Edited by Paul Landau & Deborah Kaspin (2002)
  3. Black British Writings - Victoria Arana & Lauri Ramey (2004)
  4. The Ethics of Cultural Appropriation - Edited by Young and Brunk
  5. (Mis)Representing Islam: The Racism and Rhetoric of British Broadcasting and Broadsheet Newspapers - Richardson, J (2004)
  6. Representing Black Britain: Black and Asian Images on Television - Sarita Malik (2002)
  7. From Uncle Tom’s Cabin to The Help: Critical Perspectives on White Authored narratives of Black Lives - Versahawn Ashanti Young et al (2014)
  8. Shamanism, Racism and Hip Hop Culture: Essays on White Supremacy and Black Subversion - James Perkinson (2005)
  9. Media Representation of Black Young Men and Boys - Stephen Cushion et al (2011)
  10. The Psychology of Prejudice and Discrimination: Disability, Physique, Religion and Other Traits - Edited by Jean lau Chi (2004)

8. Postcolonial Discourse(s):

  1. Postcolonialism: A Very Short Introduction 2003)
  2. Bodies and Voices: The forcefield of Representation and Discourse in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies. - Fack Borch, M. et al (2008)
  3. Deconstruction and the Postcolonial - Syrotinsky, M. (2007)
  4. Orientalism - Edward said (1979)
  5. Culture and Imperialism - Edward Said (1994)
  6. Representations of the Individual - Edward Said(1996)
  7. The Postcolonial Critic - Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak (1990)
  8. Colonialism and Postcolonialism - Jean Paul Sarte
  9. Consciencism: Philosophy and Ideology for Decolonisation - Kwame Nkrumah (1964)
  10. What is A Classic? Postcolonial Rewriting and Invention of the Canon - Akhti Mukherjee (2014)
  11. Marxism, Modernity and Postcolonial Studies - Edited by Chriystal Bartolovitch (2004)
  12. Postcolonial London: Rewriting Metropolis - John McLeod (2004)
  13. Postcolonial Subjects: Francophone Women Writers - Edited by Mary J. Green et al (1996)
  14. Negritude and Literary Criticism: The History of the Negro African Literature in French (1996)

9. History/ Historiography

  1. The Scramble for Africa - Thomas Packenham

10. Fiction - realism

  1. Books by Zadie Smith

11. Poetry

  1. Telephone Conversation by Wole Soyinka
  2. Omeros by Derek Walcott


12. Comic books and manga

  1. Monster by Naoki Urasawa
  2. Persepolis by Marjane Satrapi