Academic Reps are in their positions from September - end of June and are split into 3 core roles: ‘Faculty Convenors’, ‘School Convenors’ & ‘Course Reps’. Each role has different levels of responsibility.
Faculty Convenors: Faculty Level Representation and listening and overseeing the representation of School Convenors and Course reps from across the Faculty. Taking important feedback to university level meetings such as the Faculty Teaching and Quality Committees (FLTQC’s) and the SU’s democratic structure such as Education Committee and Union Council.
School Convenors: Entire School Representation, by listening to the views of Course Reps and supporting and leading these Course Reps to make change in their Schools. They also co-chair the Student Staff Liaison Committee’s (SSLC’s) in their School. This role should liaise between Course reps and Faculty Convenors, and represents students at the SU’s Education Committee and Union Council.
Course Reps: Course Level Representation for those in your course and gathering feedback on the ground to bring to the attention of the staff within the School, working with them and the School Convenor to provide solutions to issues and celebrate what students are enjoying about their learning.
You'll be offered robust training to gather feedback from your peers and present findings to influential University staff, all with the support of the Union and follow up on any queries you might have.