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Education Committee

The Education Committee represents both undergraduate and postgraduate students in all academic matters. Committee meetings are attended by both the Postgraduate Education and Undergraduate Education officers, in order to engage in decision-making and propositions on how to enhance the academic experience of every student at UEA.


Undergraduate Education Officer

Taylor Sounes Find out more

Postgraduate Officer

Elise Page Find out more


Who attends Education Committee?

If successfully recruited, each school will have one School Convenor who will act as a point of contact between reps and Faculty Convenors to collate and represent issues from their school more widely. School Convenors are elected by their peers as part of the wider representation elections, and will also be members of the Students’ Union’s Education Committee

Each Faculty will have up to two Faculty Convenors, both UG and PG, to support the School and Course Representatives in tackling Faculty-wide issues and sit on Faculty level committees. Faculty Convenors are elected by their peers as part of the wider representation elections and are also members of the Students’ Union’s Education Committee.

What happens at Education Committee?

School Convenors and Faculty Convenors will be briefed on developments at UEA and nationally here. This Committee is part of the uea|su’s leadership structure. In attendance will be School Convenors, Faculty Convenors and Education Officers. This helps to provide a bridge between SU Education Officers and Course Representation to allow for a more holistic approach to representation, as well as improving transparency and communication. The Education Officers will also provide an update on what they are working on within the SU and the wider University.

Additionally, it will be chance for School Convenors to provide feedback of any issues within their School’s SSLCs (Student Staff Liaison Committees) to compare and contrast any education related topics and trends with other School Convenors. Faculty Convenors will also be able to provide feedback from topics discussed in FLTQCs (Faculty Learning and Teaching Quality Committees). All Convenors are welcome to discuss any other issues from feedback they may have obtained from Course Reps or the general student body.

In the first meeting all Convenors in attendance will have the chance to run for Chair and Deputy Chair of Education Committee. These responsibilities will include chairing all further Committee meetings by ensuring all attendees have adequate time to put their questions and comments forward, adhering to timings and reaching out to all attendees prior to meetings for any agenda items. The Student Voice co-ordinator will then create full agendas and send out to all participants.


24/25 Membership

Chair: Vacant

Deputy Chair: Vacant


Faculty of Medicine and Health

FMH Undergraduate Faculty Convenor - Vacant

FMH Postgraduate Faculty Convenor - Vacant

MED School Convenor - Isabel (Izzy) Dhillon

HSC School Convenor - Nanette Lo


Faculty of Arts and Humanities

HUM Undergraduate Faculty Convenor - Vacant

HUM Postgraduate Faculty Convenor - Vacant

AMA School Convenor - Vacant

HIS School Convenor - Christopher Lee

IIH School Convenor - Vacant

LDC School Convenor - Vacant

PPL School Convenor - Syed Hamza


Faculty of Science

SCI Undergraduate Faculty Convenor - Emma Smith

SCI Postgraduate Faculty Convenor - Vacant

BIO School Convenor - Jack Morley

CHE School Convenor - Vacant

CMP School Convenor - Vacant

ENG School Convenor - Vacant 

ENV School Convenor - Amy Patterson

MTH School Convenor - Vacant

NAT School Convenor - Vacant

PHA School Convenor - Vacant


Faculty of Social Sciences

SSF Undergraduate Faculty Convenor - Nia Cotter

SSF Postgraduate Faculty Convenor - Vacant

DEV School Convenor - Vacant

ECO School Convenor - Claudio Barchiesi

EDU School Convenor - Vacant

LAW School Convenor - Thomas Waddington

NBS School Convenor - Vacant

PSY School Convenor - KC (Kasey) Campbell

SWK School Convenor - Vacant

Education Committee Fund

The Education Committee fund will be discussed with all attendees at the first meeting, along with terms and eligibility in applying for the fund. Applications should be sent to the Democracy and Representation Team via prior to meetings by the Convenor and all present Convenors will be responsible in voting of all funding requests. Funding decisions at a Committee meeting shall be reached by a simple majority of those present and voting. Quorum for a Committee meeting shall be one-half (50%) plus one of Committee members - the chair shall be exempt from voting unless it is a tie breaking vote.


Agendas and minutes for the Education Committee meetings 24/25 will be posted below.