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Liberation Societies and Assemblies

uea(su) works very hard to champion and defend liberation groups such as women+ (women and non-binary students), BAME people, LGBT+ people and people with disabilities. We also defend the right of international students and mature students. Therefore each group has their own liberation Societies or Assembly to represent their interests, self-organise and elect their own representatives to Union Council. In order to keep the privacy of these groups you will need to login to access them.

To find out more, click on the links below. (Please note that the liberation societies and the Mature Students' Assembly are behind a login wall - so please login to the website at the top in order to access these!)

BAME Liberation Society

BAME Liberation Society Find out more

Disabled Students Liberation Society

Disabled Students Liberation Society Find out more

Graduate Assembly

Graduate Assembly Find out more

LGBT Plus Association

LGBT Plus Association Find out more

Mature Students Assembly

Mature Students Assembly Find out more

Non-binary and Women's Network

Non-binary and womens network Find out more