Job Opportunities
There are plenty of job opportunities at the Students' Union. These are flexible and adapt well to your studies and are great experience for your CV. We recruit most of our student staff in March. However, we also have other opportunities throughout the year. To see them please click here.
Application forms
The first step in applying for a job at the SU is to fill in an application form, which is completely anonymous. You can find one for each job at: Make sure you fill in all sections of your application form and try and be as detailed as you can. A good answer will be between 100 and 250 words. Double check your application before sending it, make sure your grammar and spelling are correct. We receive lots of applications and poor writing is an easy way for an employer to discard your application.
Selection task/Interview
If your application was successful, you will be invited to either an interview or selection task, depending on what role you have applied to. Make sure you look presentable. A suit and tie is not necessary, but note that you would like to make a good first impression. In the selection task, be active with your group and be engaged with the task you were assigned. Don’t just stand back and watch, employers are looking for someone proactive. However, remember it is a group task and the aim is to work as a team – respect your team members.
If you are asked to an interview, try and always answer fully, confidently and articulately. It is better to take a minute to think about your answer than to answer too quickly and not be articulate. Always prepare strengths and weaknesses about yourself that you can talk about, and back up any statement you make with examples. Remember to smile!
On the job
We expect all our SU student staff to comply with our rules and regulations. You will be expected to deal with a lot of different people, sometimes many at once, and at an intense pace. If you have any issues on the job the SU will support you, so make sure you get to know your manager. The SU is a very friendly place to work at and we will provide training for all new staff, so you don’t need to know everything before you start.
Benefits of working at the Union
The SU is a safe environment for a part-time job, where you will get to learn and experience what it’s like to be in a work environment, all the while staying on campus. Compared to many part-time positions off-campus, we have a higher rate of pay. You will get to meet lots of people who you may not have crossed otherwise and it will be a great addition to your CV.
Hear from other student staff members!
Amanie – Information & Welcome Team Assistant
“The idea of starting out in a new work environment is always a bit daunting, but it can be especially intimidating when you already feel like an outsider within your environment. When I first started working in the SU I was particularly nervous about cultural barriers that could affect the quality of service I provided. I was aware that what many people in the UK would consider basic etiquette in terms of day to day interaction may differ slightly from what I was familiar with, and I was constantly afraid of unintentionally offending people.
However, the working environment and the co-ordinators at Reception are very supportive and they strive towards ensuring that we always have a pleasant experience. This greatly helped me to let go of my initial fears. Moreover, being mindful of my own perceived differences and concerns enabled me to be much more considerate and perceptive when interacting with the students who use our services.
One of my favourite aspects of my role is that our Reception team is made up of individuals from diverse backgrounds and that we are all able to work cohesively and comfortably in an environment that encourages personal and professional development.”
Oksana – Finance Assistant and Bar Staff

“As any other student, international or home, before starting I was worried whether I would actually get the job or not since I didn’t really have any experience beforehand. It didn’t even cross my mind that cultural or language barriers could get in the way. At the end of my interview for the bar job, the staff member made a comment that it was probably my cultural differences that made me act different to what they usually get with the applicants like not apologising in required situations. Fortunately, they are very understanding and saw that I could learn the skills I lacked and accepted me into their team. Hence, even if there are cultural barriers, if you are willing to overcome them, the sky is the limit!
My experience has been great so far! I love working at the SU because everyone is really nice and understanding, so even with our barriers as international students, everyone is happy to explain and clarify when asked. Every week my colleagues end up teaching me something new about British culture because these topics come up, and I am completely lost until they clarify it, which is a great bonus to the job. ”
Shaivya - Information & Welcome Team Assistant
“Being an international student, having occupied a sub par seat on a sub par air-plane for nine hours to be here, was more scary than I ever thought it would be. That was always magnified with the added pressure of having to get a job and having to work my way through rent. It wasn't so much the actual job I was terrified of but having to interact with people in a way I haven't before and making sure I don't offend with the cultures I am programmed with and the diversely differing customs that make me, me. The accents, the use of words, the language, the body language, the most approachable icebreakers are all such unique aspects of a culture that I had no idea if mine would float in SU. Having held a job outside of the SU or UEA, I had never experienced the kind of warm and understanding atmosphere that SU created for me. It wasn't so much that my line managers made sure that I was comfortable as an employee because I was international but it is an indiscriminately and wonderfully warm workplace. I never had to do away or was never expected to do away with my way of dealing with things, instead I was only aided in developing myself in a way that was beneficial for both, the SU and me. Personally, I had incredible support through my line managers and never felt terrified or left to my own devices in a way that made me anxious. It is a warm, welcoming place to work for any one wherein your personal choices and international uniqueness are respected for their individualism”
Anita - Shop Assistant
“I started working at The SU Shop last year. I won't lie, I was scared as it was my first job, not only in the UK, but just in general, because I have never properly worked back in Latvia. When I got my first training at the shop, I was very nervous! However, when I came there I understood that I made the right choice. Both permanent staff of the shop and students are all amazing people, who supported me from the very beginning. I was never judged for making mistakes while speaking English, no one ever laughed at me when I didn't know an appropriate word ! Our team is a complete mix of cultures and this is what I enjoy the most. We all are different, but we all are in the same team!”