officer blog


Undergraduate Education

Rebekah Temple-Fielder


Taylor’s update - the SU win on Extenuating Circumstances

Hey everyone!

Fresh off the back of an incredible Welcome Week (I hope you all had as good a time as we did!), I have some good news to share. It’s been confirmed that there will be some changes to the way Self Certified Extensions (self-certs) work from the start of this academic year.

The main change is that there are now 7 calendar days extension instead of 3 working days. This applies to all deadlines within 5 working days. So, for example, say you have an essay due on the Monday and a portfolio (or other kind of course work) due on the Wednesday and something happens that means you won’t be able to submit on time – If you apply for the extension on the Monday, it will extend both deadlines to the following week. If you have reasonable adjustments, you can still extend those deadlines too.

There are some things to note about the changes:

  1. These cannot be used on group work or assessments where they have to be completed at a certain time – such as exams
  2. You are only allowed two of these per year
  3. Submitting a self-cert doesn’t stop you from being able to submit a longer EC if you need it – although this won’t be automatically applied

Remember in order to do this, you need to go through the process on e-vision. If you need help with this, you can talk to our advice team by emailing You can also view all of the EC regulations here if you need them.

I think these changes are definitely steps in the right direction and it’s another win from your SU. Although, there is still more that can be done on ECs and I am pushing the university for these and working with them on this going forwards.

Hope you have all had a fab first week of semester and as always, if you need anything education related or have any questions, please do feel free to get in touch or come and say hi! And don’t forget to give my socials a follow because I am still determined to beat the other officers…

Taylor :)
