officer blog


Undergraduate Education

Rebekah Temple-Fielder


your 2020-2021 convenors

Hi Everyone,

Every year our school and faculty convenors are the eyes and ears to both Education Officers. They help bring key issues to the forefront of our mind and support us in wider work with students on their educational experience. We wanted to take the opportunity to put the spotlight on them and give a short introduction to themselves an what they want to do for you this year.

So, without further ado, welcome your 20-21 convenors.

All the best,

Cal X


Becca Morrison (DEV)

I’m a third year International Development student and I have been a rep since my first year, always pushing for the best for DEV students. People ask me why I wanted to be DEV convenor this year and the truth is that people already thought I was, so it just made sense! This year is the most important year of all for many of us, so I want to make sure that teaching is at its highest standard and that no-one is left behind

Sophie White (PHA)

I’m a 4th year Pharmacy student and I am the school convenor for Pharmacy this year. I have been a course rep since my 2nd year and I am passionate about ensuring every student within the Pharmacy school can contribute to student voice at UEA

Diana Baltag (MED)

I'm Diana (she/her), a third year medical student and this year's MED convenor. This year my focus is student voice and representation by enabling faster and more direct communication between students and staff, which is particularly important this year with distance learning. I would also like to continue the conversation about mental health and signpost students to the right resources for them

Dan Siddorn (PPL)

Hi everyone - I'm Dan (he/him), a postgraduate taught student in Media, Culture and Society and school convenor for PPL. One of our main focuses this year is ensuring students are supported in their new learning situations online through regular student and staff feedback and drafting of 'Online Learning Protocols'.

Ben Woodruff (EDU)

I’m Ben, a third year undergraduate in the school of education studying on the physical Education course. I was course rep last year, and have stepped up to the convenor this year. My main for this year is to ensure as little disruption as possible is felt by students, as well as to look at potential collaborative projects with various university departments to benefit students, such as enhancing study spaces.

Sarah Nichols (PSY)

I'm Sarah (She/her) and I am a third year psychology student and this year's school convenor for Psy. My main focus this year is to ensure all students in the school get the best possible academic experience they can despite COVID and that everyone feels listened to and represented.

Ruby Rae (ENV)

I'm Ruby (She/her) and I am a third year Environmental Sciences student and the current school convener for ENV. Our focus this year is involving students on our wide range of course variants to make sure that teaching is successful and that students remain feeling like part of an immersive community while studying at UEA.

Zoe Callow (LDC)

I'm Zoe (she/her) and I'm a third year English Literature and Drama student, and school convenor for LDC. This year I want to focus on spreading the word about course reps and SSLCs, so every student knows who their rep is and how they can get in touch!

Adriel Fung (MED)

I'm Adriel, fourth year Medical Student, and faculty convenor for FMH. I'm particularly interested in the transition from in-person learning to online learning. I hope to improve the consistency and the standards of delivery, while suggesting improvements to improve the interactivity of the lecturers to healthcare students. The conversation has already been started and work is getting done, but I'm open to any suggestions or feedback. I can be reached either by email/teams, or during our Faculty Student Forums happening every other week  .

Charlie Harvey (HSC)

Hello all, my name is Charlie and I am the HSC Convenor for NMC programs. I am passionate in inclusive education, enabling participation in HSC and promoting health care sciences across post-16 establishments. 
Now so more than ever I am particularly interested in supporting learners in their placements.
If you have any questions please contact me via email.

Ellis Sullivan (AMA)

I'm Ellis (she/her), a fourth year American Studies student who did a year abroad last year and am currently the School Convenor for AMA. The main focus of mine for this year is ensuring we are getting the most out of our degrees as possible; especially during a time where teaching has moved online and many are questioning how well universities are adapting to this change. I have started a dialogue about what is most useful for students and would love to hear from any students about what they think is and is not working so that I can ensure we are all getting the teaching we deserve. Please feel free to email me, I am always happy to discuss feedback about AMA. 

Kristy Laverick (HUM Faculty PG)

I represent PG student voice for the Humanities faculty. 

Afia Tajammal (HSC)

Hello! My name’s Afia (she/her) and this year I am the HSC school convenor representing the OT, PT and SLT cohorts. I am in my second year studying Speech and Language Therapy. In my role as School Convenor I hope to ensure that any problems faced by us as healthcare students are heard and acted upon appropriately, whether it’s about contact hours and workloads, promoting student wellbeing or the financial, emotional and physical demands of clinical placements. I am particularly passionate about increasing awareness around equality, diversity and Cultural Competence. I hope to ensure these themes are more explicit in our curriculum and teaching so that we are prepared to effectively support and work with colleagues, peers and service users from a wide range of backgrounds as students and future healthcare professionals. 

Mari Silva (CHE)

Hello everyone! I hope you are keeping safe and enjoying the start of the new academic year. I would like to introduce myself: my name is Mari, I’m on Chemistry Year 3 and I am the Chemistry School Convenor for 2020-21. These are issues I am hoping to raise attention to during the next few weeks. These include both concerns raised by students over the past few years, and more recent feedback:
• Implementing Discussion Boards for all modules 
• Breaks during lectures which are longer than 2 hours
• Maths Support Accessibility and extended support for students without a background in Maths
• Better student representation within Physics
• Year 0 and Year 1 integration within the school
Whether it is a personal concern, a wider issue or a recommendation, or perhaps you’d like share your feedback on this post, you can always contact me through

Travis Cullum (NAT)

Hi everyone, I'm Travis Cullum (he/him), the Natural Sciences School Convener. Natural Sciences is an extremely versatile course and as such, my goal is simply to do whatever I can to help accommodate all students. I am a friendly, approachable person, so please do not hesitate to contact me regarding any issues or concerns you may have relating to the course specifically or your university experience at

Holly Reader (SCI Faculty UG)

I represent UG students for the whole Science faculty. 

Daniel Hempstead (ECO)

Hi everyone, I'm Daniel Hempstead, the School Convenor for Economics this academic year. I am a second year undergraduate, and my role as convenor involves chairing the Economics SSLC, making sure students voices in my school are heard, and chatting with other convenor about education as a whole at the university. 
Originally my goals were to increase student engagement and show the importance of having a student input in our teaching. Now with the effects of COVID-19, these goals are much more serious. Instead of focusing on engagement with the SSLC, my main goal is engagement with online studies. Some students are benefiting from it, but for those students who aren't I feel it is my role to make sure the school is providing the right help and resources for these students who are struggling with this situation, and making sure all students are well aware of the services available, both new and old services. 

Omari Cunningham (NBS)

I represent students voice for the Norwich Business School.

Beth Mann (FMH Faculty PG)

Hiya! My name is Beth and I am studying MSc Adult and Mental Health Nursing and I am also the FMH postgraduate faculty convenor. In the current climate it can be difficult for healthcare professionals on every level to feel heard, so I hope to provide a platform through which the voices of the healthcare workers of tomorrow, can be heard today. My email is, pop me an email whenever you would like ??

Meg de Pasquale-Crighton (SCI Faculty PG)

My name is Meg (she/her) and I’m a postgraduate student within the School of Environmental Sciences. I was elected as the PG Faculty Convenor for SCI, and within this role I’d really like to empower postgraduate students to make the most of their time at UEA, with a particular focus on integration and community building. As a representative of all postgraduate students in SCI, through your feedback I’d like to transform the real student voice into positive, actionable and sustainable change. Please don’t hesitate to contact me directly via email ( or drop me a message on Facebook

Alex Arcay (SSF Faculty PG)

Hello everyone! My name is Alex Arcay and I'm currently studying MSc Management. My current role is Norwich Business School Faculty Convenor. Over the course of the year I would like to gather as much feedback as possible from students to make beneficial changes to each course with the help of the University.

Max Wrigley (IIH)

Hi, my name’s Max (pronouns: he/him). I’m on the Humanities Foundation Year and I’m the IIH School Convenor. I hope to progress onto the Creative Writing and English Literature BA next September, as I would like to become an author. I’m contactable on my email address:

Rory McKnight (SSF Faculty UG)

My name is Rory and I’m in my third year at UEA studying International Development with Politics. This year I’m the undergraduate social science faculty convenor, and I’m looking forward to working with course reps and school convenors across the faculty to help support current students through their studies and also help to improve courses for future students. 
The COVID-19 pandemic and the online teaching that this necessitates will undoubtedly be a focus this year. This in mind, I will do all that I can to make sure that social science students can get the most out of online teaching, and make sure any issues are resolved quickly’.

Dzifa Williams (HUM Faculty UG)

Hello, I am Dzifa Williams and my pronouns are she/her! I am from LDC and currently in my final year of an English Literature degree! I am the Undergraduate Faculty Convenor for Arts and Humanities. In this academic year, I want to work with you as students, alongside the School Convenors and Course Reps to ensure that this academic year is not stolen by the pandemic by bringing about change to benefit the current and future students within this faculty. If you would like to contact me, you can do so using my email address which is

Jude Salaymeh (BIO)

Heya! My name is Jude Salaymeh, I am in my 2nd year of Molecular Biology and Genetics. I am your new School of BIO Convenor! As a Convenor my aim is to give back to the BIO community and to ensure that all the students can have a great experience at university. I will do my best to make sure that students' voices are heard, and their needs are met. Please feel free to contact me via Email at any time with feedback on anything involving the School of BIO, and I will aim to address your concerns to hopefully make a positive impact within the BIO Community!

Jordan Lubega (CMP)

Hello! I’m Jordan Lubega. I’m currently in year 1 enrolled on the Computer Science Course. I am also a School Convenor too! My goal for this year is to allow students to be inspired and be unfettered to discovering the full potential of the Computer Science course; learning optimally whilst enjoying it! You can contact me through my email:

Garret Brown (SWK)

Hi Y’all,
My name is Garrett Brown (he/him/his). I am a MA2 student studying at the School of Social Work where I will be representing Social Work and Sociology students as Convenor. My goal is to uplift student voices and to encourage wellbeing in our school. I would love to hear from you! Feel free to email me: and follow me on Twitter: @gb_SocialWorker.


Ayane Hida
7:35pm on 7 Dec 20 Welcome everyone! We are very excited to work with you all this year :) Please feel free to get in touch with me if you have any questions!
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