officer blog


Undergraduate Education

Rebekah Temple-Fielder


Thu 19 Oct 2023

Your Education Quality is worse than a year ago – but it doesn’t have to stay that way

Hey you! We’ve got a problem – and no I don’t just mean timetables. We need...
Mon 20 Mar 2023

Course Rep Nominations Are Open!

Hey again! Hope you’ve all had a good few months.  I’m excited to share that...
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Mon 07 Nov 2022

Teaching Excellence Framework (TEF)

Hey everyone! Hope you’ve had a good weekend! I’m your Undergraduate Education Officer (in case you...
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Tue 27 Sep 2022

Taylor’s update - the SU win on Extenuating Circumstances

Hey everyone! Fresh off the back of an incredible Welcome Week (I hope you all had as good a time...
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Thu 11 Aug 2022

Finally some good timetable news!

Hey everyone! Hope you’re all having a great summer! As it’s my first blog, before I...
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Wed 16 Feb 2022

Extenuating circumstances review

TW: death, mental health Hello there! I hope everyone is having a good 2022 so far and that the assessment...
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Mon 13 Dec 2021

ANOTHER update from ivo

Hello there! Just a short blog from me this week, but I bring good news that will hopefully put a...
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Tue 23 Nov 2021

update from ivo (incl. timetabling)

Hello all!  I realise that this is my first official blog of the year, so feel it’s...
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Thu 06 May 2021

our response to proposed arts education funding cuts

University should be a place for students to realise their potential, develop their knowledge in a field while they prepare...
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Mon 22 Mar 2021

want to have a say in your education? become a course rep!

Hi Everyone, We’ve reached that point in the year when we’re starting to think about welcoming...
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Mon 15 Mar 2021

planting trees with every internet search

In response to an SU-led campaign, the University has decided to change the default search engine across all managed...
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Mon 08 Mar 2021

safety net & no detriment: a quick reminder of support!

Hi All, Many SU reps have made us aware that some students are still unsure about the Safety Net and...
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Tue 23 Feb 2021

february updates

Hi everyone, I hope you are keeping safe and well. The academic year so far has been a rocky one...
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Fri 12 Feb 2021

uea responds to letter on tuition fees

Hi All, Hope you are keeping safe and well. Over the last few weeks we have been working hard, as...
Thu 07 Jan 2021

letter to the vc: student feeling in relation to course fees

In light of the ongoing disruption caused by the pandemic, we've received numerous questions about tuition fees for...
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Mon 07 Dec 2020

your 2020-2021 convenors

Hi Everyone, Every year our school and faculty convenors are the eyes and ears to both Education Officers. They help...
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Fri 25 Sep 2020

Beginning of the Academic Year Notices

Hi Everyone, Well, it’s been over 6 months since the university closed its doors for teaching. It&rsquo...
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Wed 29 Jul 2020

A new normal: Preparing for the new academic year

We are beginning to enter a period where the new academic year seems so far away but, this...
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Fri 03 Jul 2020

Important update: module changes deadline 9th July

Over the last few weeks we updated you on the plans for schools to contact you around changes that might...
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Fri 12 Jun 2020

Changes to courses for September 2020 and what it means for you

By now most students will be aware that significant changes have been taking place across the curriculum in preparation for...
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