officer blog


Students of Colour Ambassadors

updates from our Students of Colour Ambassador 



hi from your 22-23 pha soca, Salma!

Why did you apply for the role?

I applied for the role of SOC Pharmacy ambassador because I felt drawn to the idea of being able to represent, share and uplift my background and culture throughout my school. I believed it would be very fulfilling allowing other students within my school to feel included and represented as well through events based on exactly that.

What will you be working on?

In a team, we will be working on special events that can increase the students sense of belonging and being part of a community. These events include: sports drop-in sessions, inviting POC UEA Alumni to speak about their experience as a POC pharmacist, hosting events that will allow POC students and staff to get together, collaboration events with the UEA PharmSoc, along with many more events planned over the year!

What will you be looking forward to over the year?

I am mostly looking forward to making a difference in SOC’s journey at university, and hoping I could be a helping hand in developing this community further! I also am looking forward to leaving an impact this year and to hear out SOC’s needs, wants, and inquiries and implementing them best I can in future events. Furthermore, I am looking to be there for any SOC requiring 1-on-1 advice and support any time thorough out the year.
