Health & Personal
Your health can take many different forms, not just what you can see - your Students Union wants you to have the best possible time with your university experience and that means taking care of yourself to ensure you get the most out of your time at UEA.
No matter the problem, you will always be taken seriously, you will always be heard and we will always do our utmost to provide the support you need.
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Mental Health and wellbeing
If you’re feeling low, experiencing anxiety and stress, or just want some support in staying well, UEA Student Services can help you. If you need immediate help or support, you can find crisis support information here - in an emergency, always call 999.
Self-help resources
Not sure where to start? The Student Services Hub on Blackboard is a fantastic centre of information guides and resources, broken down into useful sections based on the type of support you're looking for. Have an explore below:
Student Services
Wellbeing Advisers are committed to supporting your mental health and equipping you with the skills and knowledge to handle the different pressures that life can throw at you, while the Student Life team can offer a safe space to talk about anything that's happened. You can request a Talking Therapies appointment, or get in touch with a Disability Adviser to discuss any additional support needs to help you succeed during your time at UEA.
The best way to access support from Student Services is to complete their online self-referral form, or you can find more information about them below:
Personal Health
At uea(su), we work with your Student Officer Committee and Union Council to provide you with resources and products to help with your personal and sexual health.
We currently offer free period products in the Gender Neutral Toilets and both upstairs Female Toileys in the Hive, and will keep this stocked during term time. Free period products can also be collected at the Community Pantry in the SU office - speak to our Welcome Desk if you're not sure where to look!
We also have a limited supply of Period Cups which are available free of charge to UEA students. To apply for one, please complete the form below, and a member of our team will be in touch:
Physical Health
There is a range of services available to students at UEA for support with their physical health.
UMS provides GP services for UEA students. The surgery is located on the corner of Bluebell Road and University Drive (near INTO)
For appointments call: 01603 251600
You may need to visit the UMS for:
- Non-emergency medical treatment
- To get a medical certificate to cover absence or if you are too ill to take an exam, or need a time extension for assessed work (see “Exam Help “ and “Extenuating Circumstances” on our Academic advice pages)
- Travel vaccinations
You will need to register as a patient of the practice to get treatment or certificates. Check this page to see if you can register. (Non-UK students may have to pay for treatment if they are only in the UK for a short-term visit (3 or 6 months)).
UMS also provides occupational health services for UEA students.
uea(su) has partnered with the Terrance Higgins Trust to promote safe sex. We are a designated centre to provide free condoms and c-cards provided by the Trust. We also hold a small number of chlamydia tests available.
Simply drop-in to advice(su) (opposite the grab&go), no awkward questions asked! To find out more about the work of the Terrance Higgins Trust and their work click here.
Free condoms and pregnancy tests can also be obtained from the Nightline office during their operating hours.
If you are looking for advice regarding sexual health you have a couple of options.
You can use the University Medical Centre, or if you prefer, iCash - Contraception and Sexual Health Service. iCash provides a complete range of service including all methods of contraception, pregnancy testing, STI testing and treatment, support for victims of sexual assault and counselling about sexual problems. Call 0300 300 30 30 for a clinic appointment or click here for more info.
You can find information about the support available through UEA Student Services here, including referrals to Change, Grow, Live.
The Matthew Project offers free confidential advice for drug and alcohol problems. Helpline for over 18s: 0300 7900 227.
Outside office hours, you can call Talk to Frank on 0300 123 6600 for provide 24/7 confidential advice and support.
For information and resources on alcohol and drinking, click here.
Alcoholics Anonymous Meetings
What is AA?
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of people who come together to solve their drinking problem. It doesn’t cost anything to attend A.A. meetings. There are no age or education requirements to participate. Membership is open to anyone who wants to do something about their drinking problem.
A.A.’s primary purpose is to help alcoholics to achieve sobriety.

Settling into university can be an overwhelming experience. Whether you’re from a different country or county, buddy(su) is designed to help UEA feel like a second home. All our trained volunteers are already students from UEA who have completed at least one year of study. These peers can help students struggling with university life, and are matched according to their needs, circumstances and interests - such as area of study and hobbies. From helping attend clubs and societies, to going for coffee around campus, buddy volunteers help combat loneliness and ensure everyone feels like they belong.
Whether you want to know the best place to study on campus, learn a new skill or meet new people, there’s no one better to help than a buddy!